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Logan was sick and tired of this week. He just wanted to go home!

First, his home was broken into and he was forcefully taken out of it, then he was forced to live in this smelly building with five other dragons and no air conditioning or heating unless it was freezing cold or burning hot, and now he wasn't even getting dinner at the normal time because the weird guy, who apparently was named Thomas or whatever, according to the weird, annoying, green peacock dragon, was out getting them new beds and food because said peacock dragon tore the beds apart from stress.

Least he could still sleep. Or at least he could if that stupid fluffy dragon, which apparently is the name of an actual dragon species, wouldn't stop howling at the door!

"Could you shut up?! I'm trying to sleep!" Logan screamed from the little corner of the room he was curled up in. Remus rolled his eyes. "No one cares about you sleeping, you spoiled brat. All we know is that Thomas is gone at a time he isn't supposed to be, and thus we must freak out until he's back."

Roman nodded in agreement and went to comfort Patton. "Spoiled brat? Says the freeloader? Says the one who's only here because he kept braking in? Yeah, okay." Virgil said, clearly annoyed by remus's statement of Logan being spoiled.

Patton walked into the little hole-in-the-wall sleeping area all the dragons shared and plopped himself down on a mound of blankets and pillows and plushies and the like.

Logan figured he wasn't gonna get home anytime soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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