I Wish You Could See Me Now

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With foggy memory, a teenage boy sat up in a bed. He groaned, rubbing his eyes as he looked up. There, he saw the outline of a being floating in mid air, their arms crossed.

"You're finally awake."
A rather dead voice spoke in the boy's head, a sigh following as the silhouette adjusted themselves.
"To think that a mortal would ask for me to accompany them, then pass out first thing's first when they got here... this is both rather interesting and rather annoying."
The being complained, their dead voice accompanying a pinch of exasperation.

"Ah hahaha... I can't recall anything from my past life, either... I'm sorry for the trouble... I got too excited."
The boy tiredly answered, apologising for his daring wish. The being before him only agreed to accompany him out of pure boredom... and a strong desire for a break after millennium of working. Gods and Goddesses got tired, too.

"You are forgiven, boy... to catch you up: Your body was discovered by a group of knights in the forest, where I dropped you as a bit of a training test. They brought you to their kingdom and got a mage to look at you. His diagnosis was spiritual pressure. It seems as though the transition of your body and spirit from your world into this one was too straining, and so your spirit shut down as a Failsafe to prevent erasure. You have been asleep for exactly twenty four hours now. It's the early morning on Tendas... Tuesday, for this world's standards."
The being explained, clicking their fingers, resulting in a status board to appear before Benjamin.

"Now, let me get everything else out of the way. This is your Status Board. Here, you will see your physical and spiritual capabilities. Your spiritual capabilities include your mana, resistance to mental and spiritual attacks and your spirit's stability. The stability of your spirit is like a second health pool. One's spirit can only face so much before beginning to fall apart, like a ceramic cup that was struck. Your spirit can of course be stitched back together, but it will take a while for it to completely recover.
    Now, let's us begin on your physical stats. Your physical statistics include your musculature, which composes your strength, speed, agility and endurance. It also included your Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System, or your C.N.S and P.N.S for short. Your C.N.S stat improves your processing speed, your ability to efficiently multi-task, your ability to comprehend mystical existences, such as new types of magic, and your ability to 'appraise' other entities. Your P.N.S is responsible for your reaction speed and response speed. Whilst those two may seem awfully familiar, they are different. Your reaction speed is your ability to respond and therefore move to intercept. Your response speed is how quickly you can intercept. Once both of your nervous system stats reach a certain level, you will unlock a third ability: E.S.P or Extra. Sensory. Perception."
The being explained thoroughly, motioning to different stats as they mentioned them. This was a lot to take in for Benjamin, but he listened intently, trying his hardest to comprehend and digest everything that was taught to him. He'd definitely need some time to wrap his head around everything, but he was sure he'd be fine somewhat soon.

"Isn't E.S.P being psychic, in a sense?"
Benjamin quizzed the being accompanying him, who nodded for confirmation.

"That is correct. It is your ability to comprehend an entity's existence, predict future events, gain knowledge of correct answers for puzzles or situations and the ability to read minds. Whilst this ability may seem like a cheat, mortal beings and even celestial entities like myself have limits. The only beings who can completely comprehend on this level are: God, Lucifer Morningstar, who is better known as Satan, and Mikhael, who is better known as Michael. All other entities have great limitations on how high they can increase their E.S.P stat."
The celestial answered, sitting back in the air once more. He floated around to Benjamin's back, then leaned over his shoulder, motioning to another section.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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