dear future me,

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Dear future me, I hope ur still alive cause I don't feel like being alive right now after all the mental abuse NOW PHYSICAL ABUSE..why...just why dear lord what did I ever do to you.
..I though u loved your humans as ur love is suppose to be way superior than a mother's love, I guess if there is no mother's love there is no gods love...

How did it get here ?
When did it start?
Let's take you to the beginning of the end

It all started when I was eight , before that everything was going OK but then...
My parents started noticing changes in me as I was finding out new stuff like lgbt music and sex
as time went on my parent found out about it and they first did not hit me as much but their words were enough to damage me, and the words weren't just some random words like stupid,idiot and dumb the were sentences like "if you dont do this ill choke you" "I hope u die" "I just wanna choke u" "some times I regret being a parent" and it wasn't just one of them it was both of them
Those word really damaged little me

And they weren't like that to all of my siblings it was just me,me alone......

There was one reason and one reason only she wanted to live ,her bff she was so close to suiciding but the she thought of her bff worried what will happen to her bff  if she kills her self..
As she got older things started to get worst it wasn't just mental abuse it was physical they did not use just their hand they used stuff like belt lighters and even knifes

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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