I. Beginnings

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Note: Hi, guys!!

For those who don't know, CHERUB is a saga of books about kids and teenagers that are secret agents. I really like it and I totally can see Waverly being one of the most wonderful agents. So I decided to do this.

If there's any typo, please let me know.

I hope you enjoy!

Waverly Gibson loved the history class. Most kids thought it was boring, but she thought it was so exciting and interesting. There, hearing about Ancient Greece and other civilizations, she could escape her life - that wasn't that great - and allowed herself to dream about a world where she could do and see great things.

However, her moment of peace and happiness was cut short when the 13-year-old heard a voice next to her.

"Hey, freak! Do you know what day is today?"

Stephanie Jones was sitting next to her, a devilish smile in her face. The blonde girl was the reason Waverly, although she loved school, counted the minutes to go home. That girl was the definition of obnoxious and mean.

"I asked you a question, bitch!" Steph hissed when Waverly kept her eyes on her notebook, ignoring her. "Alright, if you don't want to play, then I'll just tell you. Five years ago, on this same day, the aberration you call sister was sent away, never to return! Wasn't that the best day this town has ever had?"

Waverly pressed her lips together, making an effort to remain calm.

"Did you have any news from her?" Stephanie asked again, full aware of the fact that she was upsetting the brunette.

"That's none of your business." Waverly grumbled, her fists clenched, almost breaking her pencil.

Jones could see the smaller girl losing every drop of her patience and happiness and it was exactly what she wanted.

"Oh, you didn't! Honestly, that freak of a murderer is probably dead by now and I hope she suffered, 'cause that girl deserved!" Stephenie said slowly, emphasizing every word full of venone that escaped her mouth.

The brunette wasn't able to keep it together any longer. She stood up, her chair falling behind her, and punched the olther girl right in her nose. The class, that until now was unaware of the argument between the two teenagers, went quiet.

"You fucking bitch!" the blonde shouted. She had fallen to the floor and her nose was certainly broken.

"Don't you dare talk about Wynonna that way ever again. She's better than you'll ever be! And she's not dead!" Waverly cried. The knuckles of her right hand throbbed but that pain wasn't as bad as the emotional one she was feeling in that moment.

Since her older sister was taken away to Juvie for killing their abusive father trying to stop him from beating their mother to death, Waverly didn't hear anything from her.

That day, the younger Gibson had lost everything. Her mum didn't resist the injuries caused by her father and her favorite sister was forced to leave her because she tried to protect her family from an abusive alcoholic. Waverly was left to the custody of her eldest sister, a 21-year-old woman who was the mirror image of her father.

"Miss Gibson, that type of behavior is unacceptable! Go to the principal now!" The teacher yelped, totally surprised by Waverly's attitude. What had Miss Jones said to upset her sweetest student like that?

"Sorry, sir..." the brunette lowered her head, grabbed her stuff and left the room.

The principal was as surprise by what happened as her teacher. She suspended Waverly for a week and called her sister.

When the older Gibson entered the office, her eyes were sparkling with anger and the smaller brunette curled up in her chair, afraid of what would happen next.

After finishing all the paperwork regarding the suspension, both Gibsons went to the old blue truck. Already inside, Willa grabbed Waverly's chin with a strong grip and brought her face closer to hers. Waverly could feel the smell of cheap whiskey.

"You useless piece of shit, you're not even capable of spending a day without pissing me off, are you?" The oldest growled angrily. The let go of Waverly chin and slapped her, leaving her fingers marked on the pale skin.

Willa never liked Waverly. She vividly remembered the day a teen Willa threw her dearest teddy bear to the middle of the frozen lake. She was just a toddler and had no idea how dangerous it was to step on thin ice, the only thing in her mind was saving Mrs. Pumpkin. The ice broke and she almost drowned to death. If it wasn't for Wynonna screaming and her mother quick response, she wouldn't be here to tell the storie. Sometimes she thought maybe this scenario would be better, at least easier.

However, although is hard to believe, Willa's abuses became even worse after their father's death. She was so mad with Wynonna, the sister she always cared about, that she gave up her custody after she went to Juvie.

Waverly had the theory that she didn't end up in the foster system because her sister needed a human punching bag and she was the perfect one.

When they arrived at home - the old and poorly cared for Homestead -, Waverly was sent to her room with screams and insults. Something told her it was one more day without dinner.

She felt like crying but she had promised herself that she would not give her asshole of a sister that pleasure. Therefore she decided to be productive and study a little. She put her earphones on and dove into the History book.

A couple of hours later, she finished all her homework and thought about attempting her luck and go grab some snacks.

She approached the door and tried to listen to what Willa's was doing. The whole house seemed silent and calm. Her sister probably drank herself to sleep as always.

The brunette went down the stairs carefully just in case Willa was awake. She passed through the living room and saw the older woman sprawled on the couch, cuddling a bottle of whiskey like it was the fluffiest of teddy bears. At least she wasn't snoring as usual.

There was almost no food in the kitchen, but Waverly was able to prepare something.

When she was heading to her room again, she noticed something: Willa's skin was paler than the usual. Normally, the woman's skin was all different shades of red thanks to alcohol. But now? It was almost grey.

For a moment, Waverly froze. Willa's skin. The lack of snoring. And the lack of moviments. Was Willa...?

Waverly ran to the sofa and tried to shake her sister awake in vain. She yelled. Nothing. She slapped her. Still nothing.

The teenager couldn't remember how, but she was able to call 911.

Everything was really quick. She told the emergency dispatcher what happened between sobs. She saw the paramedics arrived. She saw them trying to resurrect her and the ambulance leaving quickly. She saw all that like it was seeing a movie's flashback. But this time she was even more alone.

When a social worker arrived to take her to the hospital, Waverly was calmer. She was still shaking, but she stopped felling like she was under water or in the middle of a fog.

The nice lady tried to do some small talk with her, trying to make her feel better. She tried to be polite. But trying doesn't mean being able to.

At the hospital, a doctor was already waiting for her, her name Dr. Gretta. She looked at her with apologetic eyes and Waverly knew.

She was told Willa had died due to a mixture of alcohol with some medication. A death that wouldn't surprise anyone in town.

Note:I hope you liked it! Let me know what you think!

Let me know what you think.

Bye and be happy!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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