Daycare Accidents

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Title: Daycare Accidents

Series: Original

Perspective: First?

Toning Down: Low

Note: I had part of this whole thing written up years ago. Unfortunately, I lost interest in finishing it. I actually did write up several parts than it being plot points. But never finished it. Also, to mention the not so grammatically accurate with any checks.

Arc 1:

Day 1:

Part 1 The morning:

The bedding sheets for the short full size bed was pink. Much like several stuff located in the mid-sized room large enough for a growing kid, there was a bit of pink. Stuffed animals placed here and there with cute decorations on the desks.

These were the room's decal thanks to me, a girl of the age of twelve. Most my friends told me my room was either adorable or too cute. Many of them had moved on from enjoying cute things, but I for one cannot do that.

"Mewody," voiced a very young girl. One of my biggest joys in life so far in the last four years is my younger sister. She's only four, but I take pride in being her older sister. And plus, who can hate her adorable face.

"Yes Melanie sweetie?" I answered back. It appeared she took my answer as an invitation to enter my room. Which is no big deal, as I grew to enjoy her company and so my door is always open to her.

"Hehe good mowning," Melanie ran in. She was rather short given she was four, but her light blonde hair reached her tiny shoulders. A pink skirt wrapped around her with a unicorn shirt perfectly described my cheerful sibling. If you needed to know the definition of adorable you could find her picture in the dictionary.

Staring into her green eyes I answered back, "why good morning to you too." She reached up meaning she wanted to be held or wanted to sit on my lap. I could tell it was the former so I helped her up onto my bed where she sat on my lap with the brightest smile the world could see. If there was ever a way to win an argument, you'd bring her smile along. I almost can never say no to her.

However I knew since it was morning, I should check up on one of her issues. "Have you gone potty yet sweetie?" She was four now, so my parents have been potty training her for less than a year. So far she's been doing rather well and rarely has many accidents. But I wanted to help her as much as I could.

Having my door open did leave many times I woke up to a wet bed only to find it came from my sister. But I never minded, I always adore my sister and hope she can continue to smile. That's why I've had many fun tea parties, drawings and doll adventures just so I could join my sister.

Melanie pouted her face, "Hmph, I fine." Potty training was probably Melanie's most touchy subject. She never liked to mention much on it, especially if she has an actual accident. I remember the last time she wet in my bed--she wouldn't leave my side nor apologizing for an entire day. I only wished I could help her be more okay with it all. That accidents were okay sometimes, and that she shouldn't feel bad for how much she tries.

I have tried to think back to when I was potty training, but unfortunately come up short in that memory. A small detail from that could potentially help her out, so I feel bad for not being able to remember. But my parents said I started potty training closer to five, which would have my sister starting more earlier.

"Aw, its okay sweetie," I stated. "I was only trying to make sure you made it alright."

"I made it, sowwy to wowy you."

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