2. Dynamics

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You have no idea how fucking annoying Eddy can be sometimes!
It's like... what the actual fuck.
What really annoys me the most I guess is his lack of communication skills when he gets angry or whatever at me for some reason. And I don't know what the hell is wrong. I mean, I'm in no ability to know, because he can't bother even talking to me.
It's like living with a sulking woman , playing that game of "guess why I'm mad", which I am destined to lose anyway, no matter what I say or do.

My God!

Because, yeah, we do fight.
I know we've told everyone we don't, but we do.
Of course we do!
What I can't wrap my head around is people actually believing it.
Fans out there really believe we're being sweethearts and lovers all the time, even though they all know how "all couples fight".
How on earth should Eddy and I be any different?
Because we're not, we just said we are to escape having to tell about it on our channel. Because our channel is about music, not our relationship, to be honest.

And really, I don't know how much I fancy sitting there, telling the whole world about our private matters, with Eddy sitting there right next to me. I don't think he'll take it well. He'll probably be sulking for days after.

It's not like it's ALWAYS his fault, but , yeah, usually it is.
Well, you know how they say everyone is the hero in their own story, and this time I'm the one telling, so I guess I'll be the hero in this one.
I know I'm not perfect, not at all, but usually Eddy is the problem, yes.
We're equipped with two rather different personalities, while as I am a little bit more easy-going, he can be rather difficult to deal with, specially in the business matter. He has a certain style, a certain way of wanting things and doing things, and usually I give in. It's not that easy for the rest of the team though. He's like a kid. He has to have his way. And that can be really challenging when working because he gets overwhelmed quite easily, and since I am the one of us handling human-contact in a better way than him, I am the one doing most of the logistics.
Eddy thinks I am way too kind by the way, sometimes I can't help but feel a little sorry for who is in the other end on the phone with him or on the opposite side of the meeting-table. He can be quite despicable. He already fired a couple of editors and some of them quit on their own after meeting with him a couple of days he obviously had rolled out on the wrong side of the bed.
I guess he really is a good business-man, he just have a whole other way of leading a team than I do. Eddy is a good leader. A strong and safe leader. I'm more one of the team, and that does really not work out fine during hard times when you need someone firmer.
I guess we complement each other, and I think that's how we've gotten here we are today.
Eddy is a guy you really don't wanna fall out with. It'll make your life a living hell, especially if you have to keep a some sort of relation with him. Like I said, when that happens inside our business, our little world of classical music is suddenly too small for them both and one of them will have to go. That'll be the other one, obviously, Eddy owns the company. Arguing with him to a point where you get there, the road is short to resignment or getting fired. And believe me, yes, that happens.
You have to have a lot of success under your belt before Eddy forgives a bit of failure.

We've met business-men all over the world saying Eddy is just like a said, a good boss, because he knows what he wants, how to achieve it and he tells us.
In situations calling for firm measurements, everyone knows they can rely on Eddy. He's the perfect man for it.
But, what they don't see is what I have to deal with at home. How he breaks apart, how he cries and judges himself, regrets and questions everything he said that particular day. And he'll be broken for days, days I have to be in charge because his brain is a total mess.

Eddy is rather bossy around me as well. But like I said earlier, I'm used to it, I've pretty much grown into it over the years, having been with him for more than half of my life. I know when I have to back out.
What baffles me is that people don't seem to realise this when watching our videos, and I find that weird, because it's so obvious. Eddy's the one usually talking the most, even talking over me lots of times, he usually gets his way, don't you guys see it? I mean, really??
That's probably why most fans think he is the extroverted and I am the introverted, when the truth is the opposite.
I usually don't mind, but some days, he really gets on my nerves, especially when I feel like I don't reach out with an opinion I felt important or really wanted to utter. And he sort of gets in the way of that.
But I'm usually quite forgiving, I usually forget it the next second.
Once in a while it annoys the hell out of me. And I will try to talk to him about it, but usually that doesn't end up so well. He gets hurt and then he whines. A lot! And I will want to talk us through it, try to work it out, but he will be devastated. I don't get why! I mean, I'm just talking!
It doesn't happen that much, I don't think it occurs anymore after we got a little older, more grown-up, but some years back, he could even threaten me with leaving the whole friendship because of silly things like this. He cried and yelled and got really angry, (which really only happens once in a blue moon, but damn, when it happens, it is a world war waiting to happen!) and he accused me of not liking him, (which of course is just bullshit, I LOVE him!) and everything silly, it's just so childish, you have no idea. I'm rolling my eyes right now, just thinking about it.
Believe me, with that guy, it's easier to just roll along to his ideas. And shut up when he starts speaking.

Eddy is a sweet and kindhearted guy, really. He is very open-minded, which I love about him. As long as he doesn't feel attacked, he is willing to try out and talk about everything new ideas, (which I am the one coming dragging along) , he is intelligent and wise, he knows a lot of things I don't because I'm a little bit more on my way all the time and I tend to miss out on things.
He keeps me together with his wisdom
I love him to bits.
But he has his weird ways.
Like that perfect pitch-thing by the way....? OH MY GOD!
Yes, it is EXACTLY as annoying as it looks like every time he brings it up on screen!
Fuck, I'm.... SOO tired of it, you have no idea!
Yes, it started out as more of a joke, and I have been mocking him a bit for it, but he doesn't seem like he knows when to quit about it. Because it stopped being funny years ago. Really! IT IS NOT ANYMORE!
He flexes it at home too. To me. Like... I mean... come ooon man!
It's not like he's one of a million on that, he's not THAT special! I know several other people being cursed with that "gift". Yes, I said cursed. I don't know if I really would have wanted to have perfect pitch myself, feeling that confusion every time something is even MEANT to be different than to our western tempered pitch. Because pitch is relative. And when we play, we have to play "out of tune" sometimes to make the chords sound nice, and let me tell you, this can be a struggle, amongst other struggles you'll be suffering from having that "gift", so well, yeah, I don't know... I don't think so. I'm good with my trained relative pitched ear, thank you very much.

Exposing me, mocking me, telling I'm gonna play this and that repeatingly in an annoying way... His competitive instinct, his intense drive to win everything, thus makes me lose more or less on purpose very often. His constant flirting and trying to be a couple on screen, even if that means he has to be Edwina. I don't mind the shipping, but he is very on the edge to expose it all. I don't think that's anyone's business, where we stand, I'd never felt I had to label our relationship as this or that. It is what it is. We have our rules and boundaries, and that's enough for me. We don't have to drag the whole world into it.
He grabbing my hand and slapping my arse on screen.... it's too obvious. I don't really mind it THAT much, but why???
We might as well just tell the whole truth about it then.
I don't get it really.

He has a constant need of me telling or showing  how much I love him. He seems like he's born with an insecurity that needs to be reassured 24/7.

And I'm good with that.
I don't mind. I'm a giver.
We have a soul bond which I have never had with anyone else. I don't even think I've ever seen anyone having such a soul tie like ours.

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