Anarch in One

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Anyone who has been oppressed can get back on his feet if the oppression did not cost him his life. A man who has been equalised is physically and morally ruined.

As Jünger famously comprehended, the anarch is not anti-authoritarian. Quite the opposite: we need authority, although we do not believe in it. My critical faculties are sharpened by the absence of the credibility that I ask for.

The anarch is to the anarchist what the monarch is to the monarchist, per Jünger: "Myth-making strength, by contrast, is ahistorical, not subject to any derivation or development; it affects history incalculably and unpredictably. It does not belong to time, it creates time.

That is why in periods of decline, when the substance of history is exhausted, unable to guarantee even the zoological place of the species, a dull, tacit expectation has adhered to myth-making strength. Theology peters out – it yields to theognosis; people no longer want to know about gods; they want to see them. Needless to say, a historian who despairs of his function becomes sensitive to myth and all the more alert, because he rejects whatever can be offered by the people around him – he conducts himself, that is, as an anarch."

But on this point, we should not conclude that the anarch is necessarily on the side of the gods, for as Jünger says, they, or at least their cultic representatives in religions, also promised man happiness in the hereafter, while treating him unfairly in the present. The anarch is not automatically on anyone's side, but decides for himself when and to whom he gives his allegiance.

Here in the real life, as the people demand some kind of assurance in this post modern world, calls for justice, equality and liberty as well as other words stripped of their original meaning are made. Men have become so domesticated and demoralised that they degenerated into a state of spiritual malaise, while at the same time demanding that their needs be granted to them.

In the 'anarch' is promised will to humanity on the individual level; rejecting the paradoxically collectivist nature of libertarianism. Afterall, in other words, any kind of system no matter how individualistic from Ayn Rand's objectivism to your bread and butter libertarianism is more collectivist insofar as it promotes a collective degree of less government overreach. The anarch dually rejects ideology and the state lest one subjugate himself to them such that one loses first the need to think for himself and then the ability to do so.

Nevertheless, Jünger also knew that the numinous shines on us all, aware that divinity exists inside us and claiming that every man has his Sinai and Golgotha. Not coincidentally, questions of truth eventually disappear and are replaces by questions of reality; what shifting matter can be perceived by the five senses; The root cause of all this is the restriction of civilisation to purely human elements.

To Jünger's truism I would add that all men are simply waiting for a hill to die on, longing to slake their thirst at the cold pool of undifferentiated plenitude. Its very nature is ineffable and silent but its first emanation, Phanes, is the first expressible to human ears. It shows a Unity between "Opposites" (Opposites don't exist, things are empty of thingness and are all One being expressed in various multitudes).

Opposites or rather, Otherness (Artemis) is represented by 2. But what sum makes 2? 1+1. 1+1=2

What does 1+1=2 mean? That all Others are products of the Same (Apollo). Otherness is the twin of Sameness. WHY? Because all things are One.

Once you truly realise this and become One, you have an inactive action over the generative principle of the material universe. Why? Because you are One and One is All. All things come from One. How One is, changes how All things are. Yet Oneness never changes but is the totality of any possible change.

By being One, one may actualise possibilities and manifest them, since you are One and One is All. 2 never begets 1 unless something is being taken away (which implies there was something already there). 1 begets not only 2 but All numbers. If you multiply or divide any number by 1, you get itself. Why? Because all things are 1 and are rooted in 1.

Moreover, zero doesn't exist. It is not a number but the lack of number. This is what 2 represents in a cosmological scale, nothingness. Base material, which is empty and void of Form and consciousness. Why? Because material is or it isn't. It is Dense, gross and physical.

However, when 1 procreates with 2, there becomes 3. From 3, All numbers which were formally possible, since they resided within One, Become.

That is why Phanes is the God of Life and Creation, for it is 3 that brings together consciousness and material.

The Buddhists would call this Dharmakaya amongst other things. While material is empty and subject to samsara, consciousness is Pure and empty in and of itself. But it is the cause of fullness and of Enlightenment and of Nirvana but, also, of illusion and suffering. Because it is 1.

Image: The (Little) Tower of Babel by Pieter Bruegel the Elder c. 1653

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