red wine

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Lorelai had a kept a secret from those closest to her regarding who is the father of her second child Alexis who just turned 16, Alexis was born when Rory had only just turned 4 and during Rory's childhood Christopher thought Alexis was his but is he wrong? this would go on until near Alexis' 15th birthday when Chris suddenly left without a word leaving Lorelai thinking Chris worked out Alexis is not his child. Lorelai fell into a deep sadness with Rory away at Yale and her having a teenage daughter who didn't require too much attention left Lorelai broken and depressed. she fell back into a relationship with Max for it to only be a short term on and off again relationship not lasting more than a few weeks or months at a time. with Chris gone and her not being able to keep a relationship healthy or long term she became even more dependent on Luke and his diner with her barely leaving there and when she did it was just go to work in the dragonfly which she was getting tired of, she didn't know if she could take it much longer. one Saturday morning she couldn't hold it together anymore she opened multiple bottles of wine and sat on the living room floor with the phone in her hand and glass broken all around. fearing what she would do she rang up Luke and placed the phone on the table while it rang while she drank more and more wine, Luke's voice came through the phone and all Lorelai could do was cry. she desperately tried to not wake Alexis. she wept for a few minutes and Luke didn't hang up he just sat on the phone in case she decided to speak.
a few minutes later Alexis came quietly out of her room to see her mum asleep on the floor surrounded by broken glass and wine, with Luke still on the phone speaking softly to Lorelai to help her sleep.
Alexis picked up the phone and thanked Luke but Luke wanted to continue to keep Lorelai company so Alexis put the phone back down on the table and she quietly went back to bed.

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