#5 Jin

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Your role : Leen

Today is BTS day off so they decided to just sit back and relax at their dorm. Knowing that, Jin who is also my boyfriend has invited me to come over.

Because of BTS preparations for their comeback they become more busy practicing , so me an Jin barely have time to see each other. But today they got a day off so i can finally meet him.

I'm so excited to finally see him again because after about a month not seeing him i really missed him.

I walk down the street happily , grinning like an idiot. I'm wearing my favorite sundress which i got from him last christmas.

It took me 20 minutes to get there by cab. When i arrived i literally jumped from the cab and rush towards their dorm and knock the hell out of that door. I mean come on it's been on month since i last saw him so i think it's fair if i can't contain my excitement and jump around like a monkey.

"Hey i heard it! Please stop knocking!! Or i won't open the door" someone yelled from inside. "Okay , i'll stop. Can you please open it now?" I said. Not long after i said that the door open and there's Suga standing in front of me.

"Jin hyung ah i think you have a pretty wild visitor here" he said. I glared at him and he laugh and let me in.

As soon as i got in and see that Jin is looking at me with his killer smile i immediately run and hug him real tight until it's hard for him to breath. "OMG it feels like ages since i last saw you oppaa!!" He chuckled and ruffles my hair, "I miss you too Leen".

"Ew i can't stand it anymore!! The air is too pink and too lovey dovey right now! It's suffocating me" Jungkook the maknae said. "Yaa Jeon Jungkook just let them do their thing , it's been awhile since they last seen each other" leader Rapmon said and i smile at him and shot Jungkook a warning look that makes all the rest of BTS member laugh.

Me and Jin talked a lot more until Jimin suggest all of us to play games. "Hey let's play truth or dare! I'm getting bored here just watching our Jin hyung and his girl do nothing other than talking" he said. All the members agree and Jungkook take a bottle to spin.

When we just begin the first round suddenly a loud growl heard. "I'm sorry i think it's my tummy" V said and grin making his signature heart lips. "I think it's already lunch time, you guys just continue playing and i'll make you guys something to eat" i stood up and kiss Jin cheek before leaving to the kitchen.

"Hmm lets see , what can we make here ... They have kimchi and flour, i think i'll just make kimchijeon (kimchi pancake)". I started to prepare all the ingredients , chopped the kimchi and unconsciously smile whenever i heard BTS laughing because of J-Hope slapstick.

When i'm making the pancake batter suddenly someone hug me from behind and make me jump a little but smile as soon as i see who's the guy. "Why are you smiling jagiya?" Jin said kissing my cheek and tighten the hug.

"Their laugh is so calming and make me smile whenever i heard it" i said kissing him back. "Here let me help you" he said and get off me.

Actually I should've not let him help me because the second he take a handful of flour, he blow it to my face and make me look like a Japanese scary doll right now.

"Yaa!! Are you kidding me! This is my favorite dress and i have my makeup done nicely today!" "It's okay jagiya , i'll buy you a new one" i glared at him and grab a handful of flour and throw it to his precious hair that he always proud about.

"Ohh Leen you're so regretting this!" He said and took a spoonful of the batter and drip it right at the top of my head. "OH MY GOSH YOU DID NOT!! YAA KIM SEOKJIN!!"

He run and i chase him all around the kitchen untill he step on the flour he throw on me earlier and slipped. "HAHAHAHAAH" i'm laughing so hard right now that you can call me the definition of LMAO.

I laughed so hard until Jin grab my arms, he pull me and make me fell on the floor with him on top of me.

I'm literally out of words right now. My heart is beating so fast and bloods rushing to my cheeks make me look like an "anpanman" right now.

"I've warned you my dear" he let out a smirk and his eyes take a tour from my eyes to my lips and slowly leaning forward.

Actually i'm liking this moment, it's like a drama that i've always seen in television. You and your boyfriend kiss each other after a food fight. What can be more romantic than kissing in a pile of flour right?

I slowly close my eyes but suddenly someone yelling behind us. "Yaa! I tell you to help her not to eat her!". Jin quickly stood up and help me up. My whole face is as red as a monkeys butt right now.

I can't look at their face right now , seriously tho the embarrassment is uncontainable right now. "I .. I'm sorr-" i couldn't finish my sentences because Jin suddenly lift my chin and kiss my lips.
Two word, I'm frozed.

"Oh wow so this is what they called kissing.." Jungkook said. "Yaa!!! Someone close Jungkook eyes now!!!" Rapmon said. "I'll do it hyung!!" V said happily. "YOU TOO V!!" "Yes hyung" v said while closing his eyes with his hands but still peeking.

"Ew you guys! Stop it already or i'll throw up" Suga said. Jin finally parted our lips and chuckle "you're the one saying that we can do our things Namjoonie".

"Gahhh i'm so regretting my words" Rapmon sighed. Jin laugh and pull my waist so that i'm closer to his side.

"What about my food?" V said pouting. "Yes me too!! I'm so hungry right now" J-hope said.

"Okay okayy because i feel bad let's order some pizza and chicken, it's on me" i said. All the members grinned from ear to ear and said in unison "Thankyou Leen eonni!!", "You're welcome" i smile.

"Thankyou jagiyaa" Jin said and kiss my cheek. I smile at him and kiss his cheek back.

A/n : i'm sorry guys if this chapter is slightly short. I will write a longer one next time❤️

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