When The Night Falls

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"Alrighty! See you next weekend!", my bestfriend, Pamela Zanders, waved to our classmate, Shaun Connery, as he and his friends nodded and walked away. As soon as they were gone, she turned to face me with her eyes sparkling with glee, "do you think he'll come? Geez! I'm way too excited!"

"Who knows?", I grinned back at her. Shaun has been her crush since we were in middle school. He's a nice, cool guy who is friends with almost anybody. The typical good boy type. Which makes him the dream guy of any one in our batch.

"Can't wait!", Pam exclaimed and hugged the books to her chest. With a set of invitations on her hand, I had to help her spread the word out for more people to come.

"What made you throw a Halloween Party this year, Pam?", I suddenly asked her when we returned to our classroom to wait for the next subject.

"Well, I thought this will be a good time to get to know people. You know, since we'll be college students next year. It's about time we broaden our circle and mingle with other kids on the block.", she answered with her fingers drumming her desk.

"Can you quit doing that?", I pointed to her hands and she stopped drumming the desk. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little nervous, I guess.", she pursed her lips and my forehead creased.

"Nervous about w—", my voice was cut off when Ms. Hills stepped in and began the lecture.

Friday ended quickly and everybody was happy. Just a few days more and we are on semestral break.

Me and Pam separated ways as she has to go and buy some stuff with her mom. I ran up to my room and excitedly rummaged through my drawers.

I already know what I want to be for Halloween and I just have the clothes for that.

I saw a pair tight black leather pants, black body-con zippered up blouse and a perfect headdress to remember.

Mom and Dad came and I was too busy on trying up my outfit when I heard something ripped apart. And oh my goodness!

"Oh no, no, no!", I groaned when my pants ripped in the most unwanted area. "I don't wanna go and buy a new one at the mall!"

In frustration, I hastily removed my pants and wiped the tears off my face. I have been saving up my money for a new edition of the book I have been eyeing by Colleen Hoover.

I changed into comfortable denim shorts and white tee before crawling to my piggy bank. I tried to peek in and I knew, my money wouldn't be enough.

A new pants costs more than a 300 bucks and I need to go to the thrift store if I want to save up. My target character for this Halloween originally doesn't have to be this expensive.

Lying on my bed with disappointment, I closed my eyes and tried to think of ways how I can still wear the costume without having to spend too much. I didn't realize I have slept until I heard rustling of leaves outside my bedroom window.

With my lamp serving as my light, I sat on my bed and gazed at my window.

First quarter moon.

In about a week's time is the full moon.

My favorite season.

Most of my classmates and friends find it weird whenever they ask me what's my most favorite time of the year and I always say it's the Halloween season specifically when it happens to be a full moon. I don't know. I am just mesmerized by it. I love seeing it just glowing up there and I think of all the possibilities.

Shivering under my denim shorts, I stood up and began closing the window which has been blown away by the wind. I stopped when I saw a person under a black hood and a scythe on his right hand walking towards a group of men. I was in awe on how cool his costume is.

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