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 The next morning, I found myself sitting around the table in the kitchen of the pack house. I was joined only by my father, the current alpha of Clear Sky, Darrion Viysae. I was always told growing up that I looked a lot like my father. After all, we both had well-defined chin lines, a light complexion, and bottle-green eyes. 
We both were just enjoying ourselves during breakfast. Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Biscuits, and gravy. Just looking at the food made me nearly drool. Usually, we had different pack members cook, but the food had never looked this good. As I began to dig in, My father chuckled softly, looking up at me. 

"So Matthew, how did your search go yesterday?" He asked casually, driving his fork into a pile of eggs and bringing them to his mouth.

I paused a moment, crunching down on a piece of bacon.

"It went alright, I suppose," I said, thinking of my adventure yesterday morning. "I lost the scent yet again but got a little farther than last time."

"Where did it lead you?" He asked, without looking away from his Biscuits and Gravy.

"I followed it to a Bakery somewhere near the middle of the pack. That's kind of where it died off." I said, working on my own Biscuits and Gravy.
I kept thinking back to that little bakery, where I met that guy who was scentless. According to what my Dad and a few other packs member have said when I questioned them, no one else smells the Cherry-Vanilla scent, not in the early morning or during the parts of the day that it randomly wants to show up.
That's another point that makes me want to think that it could be my mate. But what just doesn't make sense is...why doesn't the scent remain? Why does it disappear?

"I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually, son." My father said dismissively.

"Thanks, dad."

For a moment, I fell silent, thinking only of that boy I saw inside the bakery. The fact that he was scentless irked me, It wasn't something you'd usually see. I have never heard of someone without a scent, Every living thing is born with one!

"Matthew?" My dad's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

Snapping my head up to look at him, I couldn't meet his eyes. He seemed to be staring at me.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, looking me up and down, almost annoyed. Had he asked me a question before?

"When I was out yesterday, I met a boy inside the bakery," I said slowly, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

"And?" He pressed.
"Well dad, did you know there was someone in the pack who didn't have a scent?" I asked, looking at my dad earnestly, placing my fork down, and giving him my full attention.
He paused for a moment, before chuckling.

"Yes, I did actually. He isn't actually scentless. He was born with a skin condition that makes him allergic to most soaps and shampoos. the only kind his family has found that's safe for him to use has no scent. It cancels out his scent." He explained, lowering his gaze back to his plate.

My eyes widened, recalling having read about these products. But for werewolves, they were illegal to use. A scent allows you to be detected at all times. It was against werewolf law for any wolf to use any kind of scent blocker.

Seeing the puzzled look on my face, my dad gave me a stern look.

"I gave his family permission to use the product for him only. After all, can't have a pack member going through that kind of trouble if there's a way to avoid it, right?" 

I nodded my head. It made sense. Content with his response, I returned to eating, my plate almost finished, before he cleared his throat.

"Now, as for official pack business involving you..." My father started, causing me to pause once more and look up at him.
"As you know, A young alpha upon turning eighteen is given the right to his own council, a set of wolves who will take the places of the current council upon the Alpha's inauguration. This isn't mandatory until you're twenty-one, but my own council and I have come to the conclusion that we should let you have your council now."
My eyes widened once more and I gave my father a look of disbelief.
"Wait, but I just turned eighteen! Isn't it a bit early?" I asked, the question rolling off my tongue almost difficultly. 

"That was brought up when we discussed it, Matthew. But We've come to the agreement you should have a few years to get to know your council so that when you come to take my place as Clear Sky's alpha, there will be no easy issues to arise between you and the people who will stand beside you." He said, staring me directly in the eyes. I could tell from his look that he was serious, and for a moment, my eyes broke out in a smile.
"That's great then, How many slots do I need to fill?" I asked eagerly.
My father chuckled, amused by the quick change of demeanor.
"Well, you'll need a Beta and a Delta. Then from the rest of the pack, up to three others are your other council members. The choices are yours!" He said, pushing his now empty plate away from him and leaning back in his chair. "You have until the end of the month to announce your council members and their roles, alright?"
My face dropped in excitement, I could feel myself getting giddy already. There was only about two weeks from the end of the month so plenty of time to decide my council. I immediately pushed my almost empty plate aside and excused myself from the table. 
"Alright then! Imma head out for a while! Maybe go talk around the pack, you know?"
Before I could get his answer, I was already out the living room door, dashing up the stairs and heading towards my bedroom.

Upon entering my room, I smiled brightly. I already knew who I'd choose to be my Beta and Delta, my best friends since childhood: Daniel and Varus. 
Daniel was always a bit rambunctious, but he was a strong warrior and the son of the current beta. He wore his heart on his sleeve, but could easily break a few bones if anyone pushed him to that point. We had been best friends since our first pack training session close to ten years ago. When we got into a sparring match and I accidentally roundhouse-kicked him during a demonstration. He got me back a few sessions later, but we've been friends ever since.
Varus was another strong fighter. He focused most of his time on training, whether it is by fist outside of sessions. or training his brain by doing trivia, simulations online, or other methods. He was usually quiet, but he had a keen eye for spotting anything wrong with the pack or any surrounding person or persons. He'd be an invaluable asset to the pack.

I immediately began to flit through my closet, digging through drawers and other things until I'd decided on slipping on a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt, and a navy vest, which I left open. 
Making my way back downstairs after slipping on a pair of umbre timberland boots, I paused outside the living room door, taking a second to check my hair in the mirror, before something in the mirror caught my eye. It showed the kitchen table through the open doorway.
My dad was no longer present, instead, it seemed a pack member was already clearing away breakfast. But what caught my eye, was the pack member themself.
It was the boy from the bakery, loading his arms with the plates of excess food.
Was he the one who made breakfast? 

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