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man, i havent been here in a while

life has beennnn

pretty basic tbh

nothing monumental

so, i'm gonna give you a little recap !!

ive started like working out

and istfg my thighs.

my thighs feel like theyre gonna fall off 😭

like when i walk i can feel them working and it isnt like "ow ow ow ow ow i'm being stabbed," more like just soreness pain

but uhh yeah

i want good bi/triceps/arm muscles

abs would be a nice addition too

and my legs are.... a wip

OH AND this band me and my friends made is like actually gonna happen and it's really cool

we meet every Friday after school and the whole thing and curriculum still has to be made, but the first meeting was 10/21 :DD

i don't do much in the band

i don't play an instrument because i'd give up on it

so i'm the manager



regardless, it's really fun so far :) i hope it works out

also i miiight have a crush? just a small one tho

nothing really big just like "ooo theyre pretty and nice? good deal"


like ion wanna do anything about it because it wouldn't work out well

but yaaa

look at this pretty leaf i found

look at this pretty leaf i found

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i like it


omfg i


ufhgh it hurts to fully extend my legs istg

and i still have 95 overdue curlups plus the rest of today's, but i can't do them rn because my dad's in the basement playing some game

and like i wanna talk to someone but all my friends are either not in a good mood, not there, or just busy



i just gotta wait 10 more minutes

and then one of my friends can call


damn I've written 300 words already?

.....ok i can see that being true 💀

man, idk where my headphones went ☹️

plus my headphone jack doesnt work still, but i've got an adapter so i can use wired ones :) but they plug into the charging spot, so i can't have that in and be charging my phone at the same time

which sucks because, ah, .....im on 4%.


send help pls 🙃

just 5 more mins 🥳

hmmm i should get set up for the call

i wanna be able to charge my phone while on call, so no headphones

so i gotta go to a more private area with less people
bc rn my brother and dad would be able to hear anything played on my phone

so upstairs i go :)



i am back baybee


after typing that, i went and looked for my earbuds

but they weren't where i thought they'd be

so i went to get my brothers binder because i've been meaning to try it

and, lo and behold, there they are

next to the binder

my earbuds

well thats that problem solved 🙃

i'm gonna try the binder now

buh bye!!

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