{6} The Stalker

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-Evie's POV

He then put his hand around my waist then we heard a noise like footsteps. His necklace started glowing blue like a crystal and his eyes glowed orange, making his fangs coming out also making him growl. I got scared but it kind of looked like he was protecting me. But why?

"Uh, what's going on? Why is your necklace glowing?" I asked him.

"I'm wolfing out. I'm also protecting us from that rustling noise." He answered.

"Why are you protecting us?" I asked curiously, just in case he likes me. It would be upsetting if he didn't. I'm not saying I like him. Is it obvious? 

"Hey, the stars are already appearing! Come on." I said. The moon showed and glistened in the sky. It lit up the dark sky. I hanged out with Wyatt for a bit. It's always good to get along with the guy you like's family so then when you get married to them, you don't have to go to their family's house to meet them. My logic is correct. I sat down next to Wyatt so I could get some warmth.

"Oh no, not again!" He said worried. It happened again. He wolfed out again. I just kissed his cheek to calm him down and it worked! Then I heard a camera shutter again! 

"WHO IS DOING THAT?!" I asked angrily. I just said bye to him and went to my tent to sleep. I saw Carlos looking mad?

"What's wrong?" I questioned him.

"Explain this!" He showed pictures of me and Wyatt DOING STUFF! 

"Carlos, come on? I was only hanging out with him to make him feel welcome, not that I like him." I explained to him. I then kissed him lightly on the cheek and went to bed.

In the middle of the night, I felt someone touching my arm. 

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Someone said. I opened my eyes to see Wyatt on-top of me.

"What the hell are you doing on-top of me-" I said then he put his finger on my lips. I licked it so then he would stop.

"I think I might have found out who's been taking photo's of us. Come." He pulled me out of my tent. I forgot I had barely any clothes on AGAIN! So I quickly had to change in front of him. I know groooooooooosssssssss! I was facing the other way so I don't really know if he was looking or not. Anyways, he pulled me out of the tent and held my hands. You can see that I started to blush. He told me to come with him. We went to the cliff, where me and Carlos always sat since we got here. I was standing up to see how far the stars can go and then Wyatt came and grabbed my waist. Isn't that what couples do? I got so scared I did a little scream.

"Hey, shush!" 

"I'm sorry. Anyways, why are we here?" I asked him.

"Well I just wanted to spend some time with you." I pinched his cheek and I also kissed him on the cheek. I felt him touch my waist again and pull me closer to him. He then made me put my arms on his shoulder. And we shared a very passionate kiss. MY FIRST KISS! WITH WYATT?! I kind  of wanted it to be with Carlos. Harry made me realise how close me and Carlos are. And we stayed kissing for 15 seconds! I'm so glad it didn't turn into a make-out. I really thought we were alone. 

The next morning I woke up early. I came into my tent to wake up Carlos. But he was already up.

"What's this? I found it being delivered to me." Carlos help up ANOTHER picture of me and Wyatt, but it was of the kiss that we did last night.

"Oh my god," I groaned angrily. "Not again. Somebody's taking picture's of me and Wyatt and editing them." I said. Of course I was lying. I didn't want to lose the love of my life. Thank God he believed me. I bet a fight would've broke out if he knew the real truth.

I tried to talk to Wyatt, but he just acted like he's never saw me before. Also Carlos protected me from him.

Wyatt's POV

I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST KISSED ONE OF THE MOST PRETTIEST, CUTEST AND HOTTEST GIRL IN THE WORLD! Carlos always gets the good ones. I'm way more handsome than him. Freckle boy. I mean, he managed to pull Evie Grimhilde! She's so popular. And I'm just a monster? You know, I would've made out with her if I had the chance to. I really wonder who's taking pictures of us and other private things, I really do hope we find out. I swore I could've caught this girl with blueish-green eyes and she had a camera. She's, I think, Fairy Godmother's daughter. So I think she might be the one who is doing this. What if, she's jealous of Evie and Carlos, so she's getting pictures of me and her then she can break them up and then she can be with Carlos! Then, I CAN HAVE EVIE ALL TO MYSELF!!!

"Ah, Evie is so cute." I blurted, accidentally.

"What? Did you just say ' Evie is so cute'?" Uma asked. "Look's like someones got a little crush on Evie." She teased.

That annoying b*stard! I really hope nobody heard that. She made my hair scruffy :*( 

"Hey Willa, have you ever liked someone who already is with someone?" I asked her.

"Yeah, like.... you."

"EWWW!" I screamed.

"Shut up, I'm only joking."

"But even if you did, I'm not with someone."

"Yeah, you are. With that Evie girl or something." She said. 

"I'm not-"

"Then why do you keep talking about her?" I hate Willa, she's so ANNOYING! She's just like Uma. I just left after that. I was going to see Evie and to talk about the stalker and if it was getting worse, but I saw something worse. She was hanging out with Carlos on the cliff! She pinched his cheek and everything! We did that!

"Didn't we do that?" I said angrily.

"Do what?" They both asked at the same time.

"Do what?" Carlos repeated.

"We didn't do anything." She said like nothing happened between us.

"Evie, didn't we sit together on this cliff. And you pinched my cheek remember? We even kissed." I explained to her.

"Uh, I don't know what you remembered Wyatt, but-" She said.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Carlos screamed. "We did that! When we got here!"

"Hey, calm down." Evie said, trying to calm him down. She frowned at me and left. 

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