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My name is Ursula. Everyone always makes fun of me for it and calls me a sea witch. Maybe I am and maybe I'm not. I'm not a villain, at least not in my mind, but whenever something bad happens, people blame me.

I barely had any friends and the ones that I had would only do it for a dare or prank. I live in Ohio, and my dream is being famous and expressing myself so people know I'm not a villain. The thing is, I don't have a good voice. My voice sounds like a dying elephant, so my dream is over.

I changed my name to my middle name, Anne, and since then, everyone treated me differently. Maybe it was because I wasn't in Elementary school anymore or maybe everyone forgot.

I starting looking for ways to make my dream come true, even hiring a professional singer to teach me but nothing worked. So what am I going to do?

My aunt works at a restaurant that tons of movie stars go, so maybe I can get myself known. I know I sound selfish, trying to use someone but it's the only thing that brings the memory of my mom back to me. She was once an actress in Broadway and she had a voice of an angel, or at least that's what my father says about her. He doesn't really ever talk about her.

She died right after I was born, it was my fault she was dead and now my father has another wife. I try to like her, but I can't. I know he still has feelings for my mother that he won't let go of and I know I'm supposed to be happy for him, but I'm not. My stepmother tried to make me feel welcome but I could never feel anything. She was trying her best, but my father had forgotten my mother two months after she died.

My father married my stepmother three months after she died. They were in love. My father didn't care for my mother anymore, but cherished me as if I would leave him like my mother.

Everything I try to do always goes wrong for me. It's like I have bad luck or something. Now that you basically know everything about me, let's get on with the story.

Hey guys, I am really excited for this series I'm coming up with. It's called The Aware Villians Series. I'll try to update a lot and I have a lot of time since its summer! Who's excited for this story?

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