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"That damn idiot," I mutter under my breath as I push my chair back, already regretting that Daisuke has shown up uninvited.

"I'll get the door," Hinata offers, rising to her feet.

I shake my head, stopping her. "No, I got it," I say with forced calmness. "Really, it's fine."

As I walk to the door, everyone eyes me, sensing the tension. I swing it open to see Daisuke standing there, smirking like he always does. His outfit is typical for him—a cargo coat cut three times at the bottom, with a safety pin around the collar, a plain white shirt, black tech-cargo pants, and black combat boots. It's like he's trying too hard to look like he doesn't care.

I step outside, closing the door just enough to keep the conversation private. Taking a deep breath, I glare at him, and he meets my stare with a smirk, his hands in his pockets, looking as if he has all the time in the world.

He breaks first, chuckling to himself. "This isn't funny," I snap, keeping my voice low but full of irritation.

"When you look at me like that, it is," he retorts, still chuckling.

"You can't just show up at a stranger's house like this!" I growl, feeling my patience wearing thin. 

"Does it look like I care?" he replies with a mischievous grin.

I palm my face in frustration. "Why are you here, anyway? What's so important that you had to come find me?"

Daisuke shrugs, still grinning. "You know, just checking in on my little sister. See if you needed a hand with anything." His nonchalant tone tells me that he has another reason, but he isn't ready to spill it yet.

"I was checking up on you, you know like what a good brother would do."

"Oh how absolutely amazing that you took the act of courage to come see your little sister," I say with a mocking smile on my face with my tone laced with sarcasm.

"You're not funny," he says to me slitting his eyes.

"Yeah, now you know how it feels," I say rolling my eyes.

Kawaki leans against the doorframe, his arms crossed, watching the exchange between Daisuke and me. He's curious about who this guy is and what he's doing here. Daisuke takes a slow look at Kawaki, and I can see the gears turning in his head. Oh no, he's figured it out already. This is the one I used to mumble about in my sleep, the one who keeps sneaking into my dreams. Daisuke's lips curl into a mischievous grin, and I can see the words forming.

"Ohh, so you're Y/n's lov—" Daisuke starts, but I cut him off by stomping on his foot with my heel, as hard as I can.

Daisuke gasps in pain, hunching over. "What the heck is your problem?" he shouts, glaring at me.

I play innocent. "I don't know what you're talking about," I say, acting clueless, though I know exactly what I'm doing.

Daisuke gives me a pointed look. "You're gonna get it next time we have a match," he says, hobbling away while waving at me over his shoulder.

I roll my eyes and sigh in relief as he disappears from sight. "He's so annoying," I mutter under my breath.

Kawaki hasn't moved. "You didn't answer my question," he says, clearly unimpressed by my deflection.

Kawaki's movements are slow but deliberate as he closes the distance between us, forcing me back against the wall by the front door. His arm comes up, resting just above my head, creating a barrier that traps me in place. I can feel the warmth from his body even though we aren't quite touching, and the space between us feels both narrow and vast at the same time.

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