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You promised me a thousand times that you would stay with me, that we would never separate and in the future we would get married, have you already forgotten? We were only 11 years old when you swore it, it would be obvious that that promise was not true, it was just an immature promise.

--Carla can you promise me something?--

--What thing?--

--That we will always be together-- I just laughed at your comment

--Of course I do--

--I promise too and in the future we will get married as best friends and we will have a giant house and 2 dogs and 3 cats--

You don't know how much I cried for you and every night I woke up and ran away from home like we used to do, I used to look at each one of the stars, one brighter than the other, and I asked each one of you to appear at my door all drenched in rain like You did it on , March 21, 2013.

My birthday a date that I used to love and now I hate it because you were no longer there pushing me into the cake you were no longer there to break any gift from me or to sing to me in the morning in a peculiar way. My mother was fed up with your name because she used to ask her about your whereabouts every day, the first few times she used to say "honey, he had to go visit Grandma Cristi, he'll be back soon" but with the passing of time he just got angry and yelled " Damn it, Carla, he's gone and he'll never come back, it's time to forget him because he sure did it with you" then he just locked himself in his bedroom and didn't come out until the next day.

Every day I bought our special shakes along with the huge slice of cake like a stupid person I kept buying two because I hoped that you would sit in front of me, but since that day I have not set foot in the establishment again that time it was ... Traumant

May 2, 2016

Today I went to the coffee shop we used to go to and ordered the chocolate milkshakes and that slice of cake.

--Good afternoon, would you give me the usual please?--

--Of course, but are you sure that the two milkshakes? The last few times no one has come--

That day I just left there without paying or buying anything, I ran to the park and sat on that bench where we met.

January 9, 2007

--Honey, don't move from here, I'll just go get your cotton, okay?--

--Yes mom--



--Alexis, don't move or go with anyone, mommy needs to go to the bathroom,-- said a black-haired lady.

--Okay-- That boy looked at me and greeted me.

--Hi, my name is Alex, and you? --

--Hello Alex, my name is Carla--

--Hey carla and you mommy?--

--She's there buying some flowers and she also has my cotton candy--

From that moment we became inseparable, we did everything together, we even went to school together. And how to forget my 15 years... For all a unique date full of happiness, but in my case, it was only tears and regrets.

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