Kiss | Marry | Kill

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                             "We should do kiss marry kill but DSMP version, so only people in the DSMP." Karl suggested. "Okay why not... ACTUALLY let's play some music in the background." I said. "Maybe-" Karl cut me off "Hey Lover! by Wabie." Karl said. "Sure,  I like that song" I said. *It started playing* "Hey, hey, hey lover. You don't have to be a star. Hey hey hey lover, I love you just the way you are." Karl sang while looking at me and smiling. I looked at him and smiled back. We both looked at each other for a few seconds longer and then Karl started asking the question. "kiss marry kill Sapnap." He asked. "I'm not sure, kind of between kiss and kill" I said. "Oh ok" He said quietly. *Bezos by Bo Burnham started playing* (QUICK NOTE: This playlist is on spotify, it's called Karl Jacobs Vibes, it's by Hailee. Full credit to them on the playlist because it's not mine!! BACK TO THE STORY) "Kiss marry kill Quackity" I asked. He gave a look that made me think that he wanted me to say my name instead of Quackity. Looks can tell a lot, I started believing that more after that moment. "Kiss." He said. Chat started spamming "Y/N, Kiss marry kill Karl" I looked at the chat and then looked at him. "Uh, let Karl ask one." I said trying to ignore it. *Beggin by Maneskin started playing* "Kiss marry kill... Me" Karl asked. I froze, he saw that I kind of freaked out. "You don't have to answer that I can do someone else. Hmm kiss marry-" "NO, I'll answer it. It's not a big deal." I said. "Marry" I answered. He looked at me surprised, the chat was going CRAZY spamming so many things like "SHIP", "I knew it" and "HUH". *Stunnin by Curtis Waters and Harm Franklin began playing* "That is bad timing" He said while giggling. "Well I guess we are married chat." He said while still giggling. "Anyways it's your turn." He seemed really happy and smiley after I answered that. 


             I still don't think he likes me, he could've said all that stuff because we were streaming. I was was finally done with the song I was making too. I decided to go get some ice cream and sit at a picnic table alone at the park.  I started humming my lyrics, "I wanna make a colour that no one else has seen before, I wanna be so much more. I hope that he, looks at me, and think "Shit she's so pretty. Something I can't believe. But I need to understand when I can-" "Y/N?" I got cut off by a familiar voice. I turned around. "Karl? What are you doing here." I asked. "What do you mean? I didn't even know you lived in North Carolina. I was about to walk home but I decided to take a walk through the park." He replied. "Oh..." I said still in disbelief that we both lived in North Carolina. "I heard you singing and you're really good. Who is that song to?" He asked. "It was for my crush. I don't think they like me back and sometimes I write songs about how I feel so I decided to write a song for him." I said. "Oh ok, that's cool. I didn't know you made songs, and I hope your crush likes you. I don't see why he wouldn't. You are a really cool person." He said smiling. "Also, it's getting really late. You can come over to my place if you want." He suggested. "Are you sure?" I said. "Yeah of course." He replied back. We were both walking back when suddenly a cat came out of nowhere and startled me. I grabbed Karls hand. "Sorry, I didn't mean to do that" I laughed nervously. He looked at me and then smiled. " Oh no It's fine! I get it since for some people it's like a security thing, and they just want to make sure someone's there for them." I looked up at him and smiled.

" I looked up at him and smiled

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