why i like cum

20 1 12

hi everyone! look at my posting 2 parts in a day lol (this is so effortless like my work in school) so let's get into it yuh yuh


tastes like that one part in the egg!, because honestly it tastes just like milk, but just better tasted, rich, and it doesn't turn soggy.

tastes like coconut milk
for me, i actually really like coconuts, because why? they taste JUST LIKE cum. cum is really good, and you should definitely try it!

tastes like my grandma's ashes
trust me, if you have your grandma's ashes and you try it with a mix of 2 spoons of milk, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and a flick of vanilla, it'll taste like cum! (I tried this and it tasted so good)

okay guys! this is it for now, and ill see you guys later! bye :')

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