Chapter 1: From one Hell to another

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A woman, short blond hair opens her blue eyes and looks around finding herself lying in a bathtub. She looks around at the bathroom and then slowly on her shaking hands pushed herself up.

She then walks over to the mirror and wipes away the steam, looking at her reflection in the mirror, she just exhales as she looks at her reflection, but then she looks at her collar bone and saw that there was a scar there, her finger gently glides along the scar, then she reaches over and pulls out the bath robe, slips it on and walks out of the bathroom. She looks around at the manor as she ties the strings of her ropes tight and then walks into the bedroom and saw a red dress laying out on the bed. She stares at it, thinking that she never saw such a dress before. But she gets dressed and walks out into the hall and then looks down at the picture of her on her wedding day as she was married. She picks up the framed and looks at it. But then saw something pass behind her from the reflection on the mirror.

The woman looks over and saw that something had gushed pass the statue, making the covering move a little. She glares and steps the frame back down and walks over to the hall, makes a left and then to a red door. The door opens to a bright corridor, she slowly steps inside and pressed her hand to the wall. Images of others people flashed in her mind as they stood in such a hall, but they were being slaughtered by blue lasers. Then the door slams closed, making her quickly turn and look at the door, see on each side of the wall glowed blue. Then a laser line appeared and came right at her, but she jumps up and pulls herself against the ceiling. The laser missed her and grazed her dress. It then was gone and she then jumps back down. Then the Laser came at her again as it was in the shape of a fence, but then she jumps up into the vent and the laser just barely grazed her boot.

She then climbs through the vent, coming to the first outlet, rips off the shutter and jumps down into the hall. She exhales, looking around the room and then slowly stood up and walks down the hall. She follows the signs as she then leans against the wall and leans out, seeing nothing inside. But she looks up at the camera and then at the bed as something was not right. She walks out, taking the stroller and then walks forward, but then broke into a run. Then suddenly a cutting saw came out of nowhere and cuts the bed in half. The woman gasps as she stumbles back and leans against the wall with her hands to her mouth, stopping herself from gasping too loudly. Her hand trembled as she exhales and then steps forward. Passing the cutting saw and then went to the four-way, but then stops as something pops out of the ground and fires, hitting her in the gut. The woman presses her hands at her wound and looks down as the blood soaks into her dress. She gasps, closing and opening her mouth. Then she wobbles and collapses onto the ground, she twitches and went limp as her eyes closed. Then as she was dead, three men in white suits walk out and stood before her, the one in the middle removes his helmet and reveals to be none other than Dr. Issacs. He exhales and looks down at the woman "Take a sample of her blood and get rip of that." he orders them, "Yes sir." they obey and picks up the body by the arms and legs and carries her out of the testing lab.

At a shack in the middle of nowhere was abandon and forgotten as no one was in sight. But inside where a family would sit and gather for dinner, the hidden doorway opens up and up come an elevator with the two men and the dead body.

They carried her out of the house, walking over to the fence and tossed her down into a ditch that was littered with dead bodies, but only these bodies were all female, all had a red dress on, all were wearing boots, hall was pale skin, all hair short blonde hair and all bore the same face. The bodies stretch for a good while as there were at least 50 of them.

On the inside was bad, but... outside the gate... outside the gate was worse. Zombies were gathered all around the fence as the could smell human flesh, most were gathered at the bodies as more and more kept piling in, the two men paid them no heed as they walk back into the house and deceased back down the elevator.

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