Chapter 4: A Hope?

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Alice shifts on the couch as she was fluttering her eyes open, Paxton shot up awake, he then shields his eyes as they adjusted from the light that was shining in, Alice held up her arm as she tries to shield the light, but then notices a bracelet on her wrist, Paxton then heard giggling, then looks over and saw that the kids that he and Alice saved were peeking in and then quickly ducks down. Alice  smiles a little and then rotates her neck, but then she felt something cold on her neck and places her hand on it, she felt a necklace on her neck.

She then looks down and saw that it was a golden chain necklace with a little heart hanging from it. She smiles and then stood up stretches and walks over next to Paxton and sat down. "You good?" Alice asks him and Fettel nods at her, but then they look a the teen that was sitting in front of them. "Hi." she said, smiling at them, "Hey," Alice whispers as Paxton smiles and waves her.smiles and waves her. "These belongs to you?" Alice ask her, she just smiles "I gave them to you last night. For luck." she answers them. The two smile at her, "Thank you." Alice said as Paxton mouth the same words to her, then Alice sat up, giving him room to sit down next to her. "What's your name?" Alice asks her as Paxton rubs her neck. "K-Mart," she answers her. Paxton smiles at her as she tilts her head "It's where they found me. Claire and the other... A few years back." she answers her. Paxton nods at her. "And your birth name?"he asks her.

K-Mart just shrugs at him, shaking her head. "Never like it. Um, everyone I know is dead, so... seemed like time for a change." she answers him, the two nodded at her and just smiles.

Everyone else was outside, standing in front of grave crosses of the ones they lost in the attack. One removes their hat as another took a kneel. "Anyone wanted to say something?" Claire asks them. Alice pats K-Mart's shoulder as Paxton pulls on a spear coat, then pulls on a shawl and they both step back away from the funeral, Carlos looks at Alice as her eyes caught his. L.J walks up to one of the graves and then places a necklace on it and Carlos pats Claire's shoulder and then walks over to the two with Claire in toil. Then the two walk up to them.  "Alice, this is Claire Redfield." he states. " Claire, this is Alice, I met her in Raccoon City." Claire nods at her "I'm the one that put this convoy together." she states and then shook her hand. "Thank you so much for the help." she states and Alice nods at her, "Claire!" K-Mart calls out to her, she looks at her, nods and looks back at them. "Excuse me. I have some things I have to attend to." she informs her, Alice just nods at her.

People walk past them as they were walking slowly as Alice and Carlos walk slowly. "In the last six months, she lost half of the convoy. Pretty soon there with be more of us dead than alive," he informs her. "Alice," he said as she leans back against the pumps. "Why did you leave after Detroit?" Carlos asked her, Alice just exhales. "I left, broke into the Umbrella's facility, downloaded the satellite tracker and stay off the grid ever since," she answers him with a shrug. "Why didn't you come back then?" Carlos asked her again. " I had to stay away, Umbrella was going to find me either way, I couldn't endanger you." she informs him, "The world may look like its ended but looks back be deceiving. I knew Umbrella was going to find me, I needed to be alone in case they did so." But then her watch went off.  "What time is it?" Alice asks Carlos, he then looks up at Chase, "Chase, what time is it?" he asks him, then Chase looks at his watch. "Well, Carlos, it is 12:14. Why? You got somewhere you want to be?" he asks him and Carlos looks back at Alice as she smiles at him. "Guess, I'm a little paranoid," she informs him.


Issac had satellite photographs of both Alice and Paxton as they were looking up, face recognition runs the scans and both pics of Alice and Paxton old photograph from Auburn were a match. Alice was 62% percent chance of a match as Paxton was a 99.9% chance of a match as well. He then leans in close to the computer and just smiles at the photos, then a smirk etches onto his face. "Welcome home."

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