Finding a flute!

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Mio - So it's settled, we will go to the mall
tomorrow to find y/n a flute.

Ritsu - can while we're out there we cou-

Mio - No ritsu.


Mio - were only shopping for one thing , and
one thing only!

Ritsu - Fine..!

Yui - Mugi, could I have more cakee ~

Mugi - Eh , sorry Yui I'm all out

Yui - AWHH!

Mugi - I'll bring some tomorrow , I promise!

Yui - o-okay.. 😔 .. OO y/n could I have your cake ~

Y/n - Uh..

Ritsu - Hey! you can't just ask for someone's food!

Y/n - Mhm-

Ritsu - Cause I want it!!

Y/n - .. what?

Ritsu - Come on y/n! just a piece

Yui - Hey! no fair I want a piece too!

They both try to reach to your cake.


Mio - You guys it's y/n decision, you just can't
do that!

Yui & Ritsu - Owie! but fine..!

Mio - Good but y/n?

Y/n - Yeah mio chan?

* s-she called me mio chan , it's okay for
yui to call me that but for some reason I feel butterflies in my stomach.. *

Y/n - Mio? are you there.

Mio - H-HUH?

Y/n - You we're about to ask me something.

Mio - O-oh that! I was going ask what made you play the flute?

Y/n - mm? since my older brother did it in grade school I just wanted to try it I guess.


Y/n - uh .. yeah?

Yui - I have a younger sister who is an amazing!

Ritsu - she's basically your other mother.

Yui - NO! well uh

Ritsu - Exactly I made my point-

- Door creaks -

All - Huh?

Yui - Oo~ Nodoka chan!

Nodoka - Oh, Hi Yui!

Yui pulls Nodoka to her side

Yui - Y/n meet Nodoka! I meet Nodoka when I was only a little child~

Nodoka - N-nice too meet you y/n.

Y/n - Nice too meet you too Nodoka chan.

Yui - OO~ Nodoka chan! you should stay too drink tea!

Nodoka - Eh , I would but it's about time to go

- Ring -

Nodoka - see?

Yui - awhh , oh! and what time are we meeting up?

Ritsu - uh at 4:00 !

Mio - I guess so? mugi?

Mugi - I could do that

Mio - Y/n?

Y/n sure

Ritsu - okay meet up at ----- street!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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