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Before and after meeting everyone Chibs thought I should meet I was getting weird looks and snooty looks which I knew those fuckers was gonna be starting shit with me in a matter of time.

"can Jac come play?" Abel asked

"sure hunny" I tell him 

"thank you" he says before Jac and him ran off

"how old is the little man?" Jax asked

"six" I replied

"I believe he just made a new friends with my son" he says

"I hope so" I replied

"you fairly new around here?" he asked

"I've been here about two years." I replied

"and this is the first ever lockdown you've been to?" he asked

"guess the other times wasn't as bad...or its just I'd been out town" I replied

He nodded his head before he excused himself when a man I believe Chibs said his name was JT called church.

"so you've managed to slip outta the other lockdowns but not this one huh?" Gemma asked

"seems so" I replied

she proceeded to give me the four -one-one with everyone.

"I'm not out to start shit but I will end it if I need to," I tell her

"you have every right to do what you need to defend yourself," she says

We talked a bit more till the men walked out.

"so Lass what are you gonna be doing while I handle this ordeal with my brothers?" Chibs asked coming to sit by me.

"keep close watch on Jac and maybe have a few conversations with people whether its to put them in their place or just a general one" I replied

"try not to get to wound up" he says

"I make no promises," I tell him

he smiled

"you try not to get too banged up, bloody, or shot" I tell him

"no promises" he repeated my words

I smiled while shaking my head.

after the guys left some of the women busied themselves either in the kitchen or having a conversation. while two, in particular, were talking shit.

I went to check on Jac before I walked back out seeing that the kids were having the time of their lives.

When I walked back out shit talkers one and two were still running their mouths.

I sat down next to Gemma who was watching the two shit talkers.

"you gonna do something? she asked

"if they start something trust me I'll finish it. but since they are only running their yaps I'm just gonna ignore the shit coming from their mouths" I answered

"well they are about to do more so it seems" she says

I looked and seen them both looking my way before they got up andcame over.

"leave" one says

I stood up and looked at them both.

"no" I replied

"now. or we'll make you" the other says

"you two and what army?"  I asked

"just us" the other says

I say nothing just stand there til they got to touch me then that's when I beat their asses.

yeah, they get a few hits in and shit but not enough to really hurt or anything while I on the other hand beat them black and blue.

after I beat their asses I could hear the guys coming back.

"Prospects take these ladies to their rooms" Gemma ordered

so two guys grabbed the women up and do as they are told while I headed to the bathroom and cleaned myself up.

"what a hell of a fighter you are" Gemma commented when I came and sat back down.

"I've taken MMA classes as a form of self-defense should I ever need it" I tell her

"well you can handle your own that's for sure" she says

When the guys came out Jax and Jucie was looking for someone.

"your twos apartment knocked out" Gemma says

"fuck" they both say they walked off.

"a fight already Gemma?" Tig asked

"they was talking shit about Alix and telling her to leave saying they'd make her before they laid hands and she beat their ass" Gemma replied

Chibs and Tig sat across from me since Gemma walked off to be with her husband.

"what type of fighting have you learned?" Koz asked as he and Happy sat on either side of me.

"MMA" I replied

"nice" they all said

"I wanted to learn something that I knew would help me really protect myself and that's what I picked." I say

I spent a grand majority of my time talking with the guys about MMA and fighting before excusing myself to check on Jac.

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