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The fireplace crackled and embers flew out into the common room, a smell of timber wood and cinnamon permeated all the way up the stairs. The night air wafted through the tall windows, and warm laughter echoed from the couches. The firelight glowed on the faces of Remus, Sirius, James, Peter, and Maxine.

The boys exchanged jokes, ignoring Maxine who was fast asleep on James' shoulder.

All was well in their little group. They were sharing a rare moment free of chaos, and devoid of argument. The five were best of friends, but, their clashing personalities made them especially susceptible to pointless fights.

4th year was growing more and more stressful, the group tended to take it out on each other as of late. But, nevertheless, they cared about each other more than they cared for anyone. Their laughs with each other bellowed louder than theirs with anyone. And they would never.



Do anything to hurt one another. If anything, they had each others backs... even when it didn't seem like it.

James let out an awfully loud chuckle, leading Maxine to wake from her comfortable slumber.

"JAMES! Do you ever shut up." She rolled her eyes and hit him square in the face with a throw pillow from under her.

In any other circumstance, this would have been a mood killer. But, after a moment of silence, the laughter only prevailed.

"Just letting you know in advance Max," Remus smirked "You started it"

Everyone grabbed pillows from around them and started going ballistic, throwing and hitting each other with them.

From behind, a voice emerged

"5 points from Gryffindor."

Professor McGonagall shook her head in disappointment.
All the kids stopped in their tracks.

"Meet me in my classroom tomorrow for detention"
The Next Day

The Five all sat in different desks, facing the menacing professor McGonagall at the head on the room. Everyone could sense an intense tension glaring from Sirius' eyes, as he stares directly at McGonagall, his eye-line not faltering.

Lurking in the very back corner of the class, a Slytherin completely relaxed in his seat, with messy brown hair and piercing green eyes, which bore holes into the back of Sirius' head.

Regulus Black.

Maxine gritted her teeth. Regulus Black was not her favorite person, to say the least. And she knew that Sirius and him were absolutely not on good terms.

"I'll assign each of you to clean a different corridor with a partner, absolutely no magic" McGonagall glared "Remus and James you're paired"

"James and Peter. Peter, make sure James stays on task"

That left two people.

Regulus rolled his eyes.

"Maxine and Regulus".


Peter shot me an apologetic glance. Me and Regulus have a history, so to speak. And not a good one.

Regulus and I walked to our assigned corridor, the one closest to the dungeons. I have always been afraid of this corridor. It's where a lot of the Slytherins hang out, and I like to steer clear of them. And when there were storms, they were always loudest down there.

I hesitantly stepped forward, inspecting the floors for dirty patches. I didn't have to look hard, considering the dungeons were the grimiest of the whole campus

Regulus gave me a judge mental glance.

"You smell of alcohol"

"Excuse me?"

"It's a bad habit, drinking. I'm sorry my brother got you into that."

"I can make descisions on my own, your brother didn't get me into anything."

"You can make descisions on your own?" He giggled "you cant do anything without approval from your little body guards, you're helpless"

"That is completely untrue. And, I'll have you know I don't drink. You're probably smelling that foul cleaning slolution."

"Oh, so she's a good girl, uncorrupted" he paused "I bet I could change that" he said under his breath

FIRST CHAPTER!!! WOOO! Okay guys, this was just set up. Be prepared for some crazy shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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Blood Ties// Marauders Era fanfic [Riddle!OC x Regulus Black]Where stories live. Discover now