Interracial Mafia Love

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Ring, ring, ring the alarm on my phone stirred me up. It was 7:30 am and it was time for me to get dressed and ready for my morning class. Mornings simply are not for me. No matter what I do I just hate waking up early.

But today is a special day. It is the first day of my last semester of University, and then I will have earned my bachelors degree. I am excited. I know that I had to at least be on time for the first week of classes to make a good impression on my professors. But in the end I know I'll revert back to my old ways. I am okay with that.

So I jumped in the shower and washed my smooth brown skin with my apricot body gel. There was no way I would come to class musty. After I finished my shower I got my clothes on and did my hair. I looked in the mirror, and my confidence was showing. I looked good!

I checked the clock then I began to panic I had class in 15 minutes. I grabbed my cellphone, backpack, and some snacks. Then I finally rushed to class.

I read my schedule and it said political science 315 in room 402 at 8:15am. So I rushed inside the class and the only available seat left was in the front.

Thankfully the teacher hadn't yet taken the attendance. Once she became situated she began calling names on her list. I listen intently for my name but she never called it. I raised my hand and said, "Professor, you never called my name."

She said, "Well what's is you name mam?"

I said, "Stacey James."

She said, "You are not on any of my class list. I'm looking at my computer on line and you are not there."

"This cannot be possible mam. I signed up for this class three months ago. I know I am for sure to be in this class. This is Political science 315."

The teacher stared at me and shook her head. "No this is Physics 209. We are in room 302. What does your schedule say?"

I looked down at the paper then up to the teacher. Whoa was I embarrassed. I looked and then said, "I apologize."

Those college students laughed hard at me.

I almost made it to the back of the classroom, but luck was clearly not on my side. My foot managed to trip over a students bag. Everything in my hand fell, and I fell too.

My promising day that I thought was starting off well was not. I just laid on the floor for 30 seconds praying that God could make me invisible. When I looked up a big strong Caucasian hand was stuck out. He said, "Let me help you up." I grabbed his hand and stared in dark blue eyes.

He was extremely gorgeous. I knew I held his hand a bit too long because the professor cleared her throat and said, "We must began class Miss James. Carry on now, you are late for your other class."

Fortunately the guy picked up the things I dropped and gave them to me. I shyly took all things out of his hands and I darted for the door. I couldn't manage a thank you to come out my mouth.

In the hallway I recollected myself. I looked at my class schedule to figure out what went wrong. And went I saw my error I wanted to smack myself. I do have a class in room 302 but it wasn't until 6:00 pm.

Yes, I was upset and embarrassed. I bumped into an undeniably handsome guy in Physics 209, especially when the dreamy guy assisted me when I face planted on the ground. He had muscles on top of his muscles. And that was sexy. I've been single for about three years now, and sometimes I feel as if I am missing out.

I mentally chastised myself for even thinking about being in a relationship. My last relationship ended terrible, and I needed to focus on my classes.

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