Chapter 2

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Stacey James POV

As I finished breakfast I thought about my random encounter with Levi. I will have to admit when he touched my shoulder it literally sent a chill down my spine. Levi had long tan fingers, with a firm grip. I imagined him taking his hands and running them down my cocoa brown skin.

If I had the time I'm sure I could spend all day thinking about him, and my "love life" or lack there of. But today was not the day to dream. I had way too much on my plate to day dream about a guy who was way out of my league. I needed to focus on my course work.

So, finally I took my dishes to the dish room and went outside to get fresh air and find a place to study. Even though it was day one of the semester, we had reading assigned. I was going to try my best to stay on top of things and stop procrastinating but that usually never happens.

I found a nice spot on the grass and I sat down. As I sat down I began to look at the diverse students walking to class. In that moment I felt like I was apart of something big and a greater purpose.

In that moment everything felt like I was in the right place at the right town. It was hard to explain.

Levi's POV

It's go time. Father is pissed, and someone has to go. My father Leonard "Lennie" Matthews is one of the most respected Mob Boss' in America, and in Europe. He was born in Italy which was where his father Roman Matthews is the Mob Boss. My father's brother and my father was sent here to Florida to extend the territory. 

My father is really nice and wealthy. He is the type who will give the shirt off his back to anyone. However, if you you cross my Father, it will be the last thing you do. You will die or wish you did.

My father is the type of man who is afraid of nothing. He's been to prison several times over, yet his stays are never long than two years. My father has always escaped extended prison stays by investing in good attorneys who knows the law throughly or knowing who the right persons who need to be paid off.

Whoever has angered my father this time should prepare for their death. My Father said, "Listen everyone. Word on the street is that Familia Valentino is the ones who are responsible for telling the police about our bar and brothel. They arrested some of my best men, and they are going to pay for this. You boys know what we do to rats."

My family is big on respect. You have to deserve and earn respect before you could even think about getting it. Familia Valentino has messed with the wrong family.

During the meeting father put together  a strategy to get on Valentino's turf and question him and his men even though father had concrete evidence that Familia Valentino was responsible. Father wanted to see if Valentino's men were at least honest men.

Our mission was to begin just after sunset. Finally Father adjourned our meeting, and we were free until tonight.

I was ready to leave the mansion ASAP. I had a class at 2:00pm which lasted until 4:00pm. I was also hungry. I was not able to catch lunch. Even though I went to the lunch room to catch up with that pretty Afro -American chick Stacey. Man that girl is fine.

I went to our parking garage were we have our mechanic maintenance our vehicles.  Usually whenever someone is in a rush the mechanics will come and move the car.

After I talked to Alberto the mechanic, I decided to change my ride to my brand new Cadillac escalade.  I have the authority to drive and to buy which ever vehicle that I choose. So I got in and drove back over toward campus. On the way over I picked up a sub sandwich and chips and a Pepsi. I decided to sit outside and eat my food on the grass.

Once I parked my car, I walked five minutes towards the cafeteria. On the way over there I was looking for a nice enough space to enjoy my lunch.

And there she was. Stacey James.  I wasn't really sure if I should go over to her and disturb her. But the man inside me decided that I should. I plopped on the grass right behind her.

I said, "Miss Stacey James." She jumped so high that she threw her book and maker inter to the air. I must have scared her. Stacey gave me the look of death!

"Levi what the hell?" Stacy said. I could tell she was pissed.

"Stacey I'm sorry, I know that was a jerk move. Forgive me please. I saw you sitting by yourself so I thought I would say hello. No harm in that right? I gave her my award winning smile.

She batted and then rolled her eyes, "Next time do me a favor and announce yourself. And anyways what are you doing here? I mean I know it's a free country and all but I feel like you are following me."

Just great. Stacey thinks I'm stalking her. "It just seems that way. But I think we both have great timing." I paused then said, "Some would call it fate."

"Well I just thought I would just relax for a while before class starts and enjoy the sunshine." I wanted to add the face that we would be taking out someone tonight but I didn't want to scare her.

"Oh that's cool, I have a couple classes left this afternoon, so I'm chilling out here." She pulled out her phone and that reminded me that I wanted her phone number. 

I boldly said, "So this campus is huge, and I don't know if ill see you again. Can I have your number? I know it's awkward that I am asking you early but it would be nice. "

Stacey looked at her phone and then up at me and smiled and said, "Sure, why not." She wrote it down then I got up to leave. There was no way I wanted to ruin the moment.

Stacey's POV

My face did not give my internal organs justice. On the outside I looked extremely confident, calm, cool, and collective. On the inside every muscle and fiber in my being was doing a dance. Shit. This man just asked me for my phone number. Let's Go!!!!!!

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