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I'm so happy that you're here and so so grateful that you decided to read my book!

Here's some quick notes about my book before you read:

~I'm not going to add any face claims for my characters. I will however be describing some features of theirs throughout the book, but you can imagine them however you please!

~There will be talk about things such as smoking, drugs, addiction, bullying, sexual assault, etc. If any of those subjects bother you then for the better, please stop reading. I'd rather you go find a book that you can read comfortably :)

~I love to write with everything in me, but I am of course not an experienced author.

~I'm 100% looking for feedback and constructive criticism! If you think that I could add something to make this book better/more enjoyable, please let me know!

~I have school and sports taking up most of my time, however I will try to update whenever I can.

Now that that's all out of the way, I hope you enjoy reading Faraday Academy!

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