The Secret

110 3 5

Isabella's POV

"What you doing? Killing people in an alleyway? Seriously? That's an amateur move if you ask me and I killed hundreds of people." We heard the ghost of my aunt and her descendant Caylin state tauntingly. "God. Will you just shut the fuck up?! Okay?! I'm doing what I can to survive! So can you for once just shut the fuck up?!" Sofia exclaimed holding one of the men close to us and pointing my blade at Caylin. She slowly dragged my blade across the man's throat deep enough to kill him. "Why do you kill people?" Caylin asked out of the blue. "Because it's a... stress... reliever." Sofia answered before passing out.

I opened my eyes only to be met with a bright light. I looked around and noticed that I was still in the alley and was surrounded by four people. "Who are you?" I asked not recognising the people standing in front of me. "See. Not everyone knows who you are." A girl with pink lips, shoulder length brownish hair and blue eyes stated. I noted how tall and well built the men in front of me were. "For Gods sake Dae Hyun. Stop staring at her like you're gonna kill her or something. She's an innocent teenage girl who probably just watched someone die in front of her." Another girl with long blonde hair, rosy lips and green eyes commented helping me up. What confused me the most was she looked Spanish but sounded English. "You poor baby. You must be freezing. Your skin looks pale." She took off her jacket and put it on me. I was really surprised when a boy a solid seven or eight inches taller than me with black hair picked me up bridal style and started running with everyone.

When they finally stopped running the man gently placed me on the ground. Honestly I felt like an ant compared to him. "Are you going to walk or do I have to carry you in?" I didn't notice how long I was just standing there and admiring the gorgeous house in front of me. It looked like an actual mansion. He led me inside to where everyone else was. I was kinda scared because of all the new faces so I decided to hide behind the girl with the blonde hair. "It's okay. You don't need to be scared." She spoke to me as if I was a toddler.

"I'm Amelia Thompson. What's your name?" She asked. "Isabella." I whispered but it came out as a whimper. "What a beautiful name. This is our pack. That's Camila Perez." She gestured to the other girl from the alley. "Delilah Rodriguez." A girl with jet black hair saluted me. She seemed like the most chilled one. "Mei Ling Li." A girl probably shorter than me waved at me. She looks so cute and innocent. "Lee Chae Min." A girl with ocean blue eyes, dirty blonde hair and plump lips winked at me. "Kang Dae Hyun." The guy from the alley who stared at me like he wanted to kill me sent me a quick glance. "Kang Baek Hyun." A guy way taller than me gave a small smirk. "Kim Hyun Wook." The guy that carried me looked me dead in the eyes. "And finally we have Tristan Colombo." The moment that name came out of her mouth I gripped onto her shoulders so tight my knuckles turned white. "Mind telling me why your grip is so tight?" Amelia asked clearly in pain. "Hey Izzy. Long time no see." Tristan greeted me with that goddamn smile.

Oh my God. Is he here to fulfill his promise and kill me? No. He can't. There's a bunch of witnesses but then again this Tristan we're talking about. Anything can happen. How am I gonna avoid him? I can't hide behind Amelia forever and I barely know anyone here. Oh God. What am I gonna do?

"I uh- I really have to go. My brothers- my brothers are waiting for me." I stuttered starting have an anxiety attack letting of Amelia. "Something wrong sweetheart?" Delilah asked walking closer to me. "No. It's just- I'm not- my mind just overthinks too much sometimes... and then I have anxiety attacks sometimes... My brothers usually calm me down." I explained in between breathes. Suddenly I was yanked into someone's embrace. I listened to their heartbeat and in a weird kinda way it actually calmed me down. It was very soothing and warm.

After a while they pulled away. "The alpha hugging someone. That's interesting." Baek Hyun took me to a room that seemed occupied already. "This is where you'll be sleeping for a while." I couldn't stop admiring the room. "Come here." He beckoned me to sit on the bed next to him. "Isn't this room already occupied?" I asked. "Yes but the other rooms have no beds so you'll be staying my room. You'll meet everyone else tomorrow." He wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his embrace. Because of the sudden action I flinched a little. "Something wrong?" I wish I could tell him the hell I've been through. "It's okay if you aren't comfortable telling me. You should probably take a shower. We don't want you smelling like blood." He smiled at me. I wish I had more people like him in my life.

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