The start..

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(Moon's P

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(Moon's P.o.V.)

I don't know when it all started..

I was just in my room, minding my own business, and I felt it..

Something was wrong..

I got up from my bed and headed downstairs. All the lights were out and the only source of light was coming from the kitchen.

It was dim but, I still could see.

When I walked in, I saw the fridge was wide open, food all over the floor and Sun on all fours eating something from the floor, vigorously and aggressively.

"...Sun...?" I asked and he stopped. He slowly turned his head to me and growled. I stepped back as he fully looked at me.

His eyes were pitch black..

"S-Sun, what're you-?" He suddenly let out the most inhumane roar I've ever heard..

I stepped back, fearfully and he started walking towards me, still on all fours, foaming from the mouth with sharp teeth.

"Sun.. Please..! It's me, Moon!" I said and he growled more.

Then, he stopped.. His eyes and teeth turned back to normal and he passed out.

I quickly ran up to him and picked him up. "Sun? SUN!!!" I yelled and placed a hand on his head.

It was scorching hot!

I stood up and brought him to his room. I placed him on the bed a ran to the bathroom, grabbing a towel and putting cold water on it, and placed it on his head.

When I did, LOTS of steam came out and the towel dried up!

I wet it again, this time with lots of water, and placed it on his head.

The steam came out, but it didn't dry up this time. He started gaining consciousness a few hours later. "H-Huh..?" He asked and I looked down at him, smiling a bit..

"H-Hey, Sunny.." I said and he sat up. "Ugh.. I don't feel good.." He said and hugged me. I nervously patted his back and he fell back asleep.

I laid him down and walked out of the room, went downstairs.

Turning on the lights, I saw what he was eating..


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