Forest ( werewolf x red velvet - fluff )

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Red Velvet was out on his normal patrol, looking around the snowy forest just in the case someone was lost. He always did the night patrol, since he never really was tired. And, when he was, he couldn't sleep very easily, usually sleeping around 3-4 in the morning. He carried a first aid kit on him during this, since the snow was quite severe during this time of year.

He was pretty deep into the forest, now more near the cookie kingdom than the cookies of darkness. He reached an empty spot, trees circling it.

He heard a long, pained howl. It was surprisingly close. It could be a cake hound! It sounded hurt! He needed to check it out. He followed the sound, close to the edge of the forest on the other side.

Despite the darkness, the moonlight illuminated a figure, laying on the ground, panting. The snow around it a dark crimson, what was presumably blood.

Red Velvet started running, hoping the creature was still alive.
He got close to it, being able to hear the shaky, shallow breathing. It was a wolf! Unlike the cake hounds, it was cold grey and white coloured. Red Velvet gently picked it up and onto his lap, ignoring the weak growls coming from it. He looked around its body, looking for its wound.

There was a giant gash on its side, muscle showing. Red Velvet's heart sank. What could do this to such a creature and leave it for dead?

Red Velvet opened his first aid kit he had in his bad, pulling out gauze and cleaning alcohol.
He quickly cleaned up the cut, the wolf whining and panting. The wolf wasn't strong enough to move or be threatening.

Red Velvet finished wrapping up the wolf, and picked it up. It was large and heavy, but Red Velvet could stand it. The wolf at first was hesitant, but quickly fell asleep, its breathing being deeper and it snuggling against Red Velvet's fluffy collar.
Red Velvet trekked home.


Werewolf woke up, sore and miserable. His whole body ached. He grabbed his pillow and nuzzled his head deeper into it, his eyes still closed. The room smelled sweet, unlike his own. He opened his eyes, looking around but not moving his head, since it would hurt. He was surprised to be in a different house.

Fear pulsed through his body. The room was large and made of Red hues. Werewolf tried to calm himself down, stiffly moving his head up to look at the ceiling. His pillow, or what he had thought was a pillow, had grunted and turned to his side, moving his hand around Werewolf. He gasped at the sight, and the thought of how long they'd been cuddling.

Werewolf looked at the cookie who was wrapped around him, a muscular cookie, one who he had seen before.. He couldn't put his tongue on it.

The other cookie stirred awake, feeling Werewolf's hot breath against his neck.
Red Velvet opened his eyes slowly, apparently still tired. He yawned and looked down at what he was assuming to be the wolf he had rescued, but was met with a frightened grey cookie, looking back at him. His eyes widened.

Red Velvet quickly sat up, trying to find his sword, propped up on the nightstand.
' W-wait please don't- ' Werewolf sat up and tried to say, but the pain in his side made him topple over, groaning. He grabs his side, feeling the wrap around his lower half.
A drop of blood leaked out of his mouth as he coughed.

Red Velvet immediately went to catch the cookie, shushing him as so make sure he doesn't strain himself. He lays the cookie down on the bed, his head on a pillow.
He wipes the blood off of Werewolf's chin.
Red Velvet glances down to Werewolf's torso, at the slightly bloody bandages. He quickly put it together.

Werewolf's breath was laboured, eyes fluttering.
' Don't move too fast, you'll hurt yourself. '
Red Velvet said, trying to calm the wolf cookie down.
After a few minutes, Werewolf could talk again.
' I'm so sorry, I- '
' Don't talk. You need to save energy. ' Red Velvet cut him off. Werewolf nodded. He watched Red Velvet get up and leave the room.

Werewolf dropped his head on Red Velvet's pillow and closed his eyes. The pillow smelled like cake, very sweet. Werewolf quite liked the smell, the Red cookie smelled significantly good, as Werewolf could tell.
After a few minutes, Werewolf heard Red Velvet walk back in. He didn't open his eyes, being very tired.

Werewolf felt Red Velvet peer over him, getting a little embarrassed at how helpless he was.
Red Velvet took off Werewolf's jacket and cape, making Werewolf open his eyes, blush spreading across his face slightly.
Red Velvet lifted up Werewolf's shirt to see the bandage he had wrapped around his torso.
Werewolf flinched at how cold the air was now that he wasn't covered.

Red Velvet was surprisingly gentle with Werewolf and his wounds. Red Velvet took off the used gauze wraps and cloth padding, red stained. Werewolf whined at the pain, and Red Velvet assured him that he'd be okay.

After a few minutes, he had wrapped the Werewolf cookie back up again, this time with a little more preparation and pain killers.
Red Velvet helped Werewolf back into a comfortable position, lying on his back, propped up slightly.

' Try to sleep. We'll talk later. ' Red Velvet said, about to leave.
' Please, stay with me. ' Werewolf weakly said.
' I don't want to be alone. '
Red Velvet widened his eyes. He glanced back to his door.

He sighed and took off his jacket. He walked to his bed and got into it, pulling the blankets over him and Werewolf. Werewolf, in turn, cuddled with him, or at least tried to since it was difficult to move. Red Velvet put his hand around Werewolf, not touching his hurt side.
Werewolf put his face in Red Velvet's neck again, being able to smell him again, sweet and comforting.

Red Velvet fell asleep quite quick.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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