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"So you're saying that you want to get lee knows attention?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I want to do"

"Well... Let me be honest I don't think that's ever going to happen. But"

"But what?"

"I have a proposition that will help both of us"


It's the week after homecoming the biggest event of the year. I already know who im going to ask out. I'm planning on getting his attention but im going to need some help.
As im thinking of who im going to ask to help me, I see Lee know down the stare case talking to Naeon his best friend. I casually walk by them and I catch a word or two of what they were talking about

"Come on please lino, it will be cool let's go to homecoming together, you can't say no! I already got the tickets too!"

"I'll think about it ok, I'll tell you later"


That's all I caught since I had to speed to my next class

But I never knew they were that close

I have to think of a plan fast and I have to get help from someone who is an expert at this and well known

I could ask one of my friends like hoseok, But my plan involves him playing a role that I don't know if his girlfriend would approve of. So he's out
As im walking into my class I spot someone in my seat
It's seokjin

Wait maybe seokjin could



Well he could, I mean he is well known but not as well known as lee know and Naeon but he's up there and he's my lab partner for this class.

I could ask him to play along for a few days and see where it gets me but im not sure.
The class was over and I was headed to the library.
I spot seokjin alone studying

I decided to sit next to him and maybe I could ask him about my amazing plan

"Hey," I said


"Seokjin right?"

"Oh yes and you are Min Woo"

"Can I sit hear, it's just that someone took my usual spot"

"Yeah go ahead," he said while getting back to studying

"You mind if I ask you something about the chemistry homework?"

"Uhm ok what is it?

" so..."

Ten minutes passed and I still haven't had the chance to tell him

"Oh wait homecoming is next week right, are you going"

"I'm not going this year I have other plans"

"That's nice, but if you were to go who would you go with"

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to ask you that I-"

"Well I would go with the nation, but she looks like she's going with lino," he said with an obvious sad expression

"Well do you have anyone else you want to ask?" I asked


"Well, I don't either. I was planning to ask lino, but it looks like he's going with Naon" I said sounding disappointed

We sat there for five minutes thinking of other people to take with us

"I have an idea!" He suddenly said

"What is it?"

"I don't know if you'll like it,"  he said hesitantly

"Well, what is it? Tell me.

" ok, ok well I was thinking if maybe.." He stopped

"Keep going"

"Well, I was thinking howaboutwefakedateforaweekuntilhomecoming?!"

"Slow down, slow down I only heard homecoming in that sentence"

"Ok sorry what I was saying was that what if we fake date until the day before homecoming to make them jealous"

"I don't get it. How will this plan make lino go with me to homecoming?"

"So you know how lino and Naon  are best friends and when she asked him out last year he rejected her right"

"Wait she liked lino?"

"Yes, how come you didn't know about that?!" I said

"Well have you been living under a rock or something?"

"Well at least I'm not nosy like someone," I said while directly looking at him

"Well, that's beside the point-"

"Oh, so you admit it?"

"Can you please just listen!"

"Ok yeah but keep it down I'm getting a headache"

"You know what if you don't want to listen then the door is right there," he said a little irrataded

"Ok then I'll leave," I said while grabbing my stuff and walking toward the door

"Wait come back" I heard Seokjin say

I was about to walk out when I feel him pulling me back making me face him

"Sorry I was like that. I was excited about this plan

" it's ok I get it," I said

I noticed that I was getting a lot of attention. Some of the students that were in the library were already whispering and starting

"Right this is probably the worst place to talk about this" he laughed a little

"Yeah it kind of is, you don't know who can eavesdrop on us"

"How about we meet somewhere after school to talk about this plan of yours?" He asked me

"Oh sure, where do you have in mind?"

"Here give me your phone, I'll text it to you later," he said

"Ok well I'll see you later"

After School

Seokjin send me the location of a nearby cafe

It wasn't far from the school. I got there and skimmed through the cafe in search of him

I spotted him in the back corner. So I mention this was a cat cafe they had really cute cats here. They were so adorable!
I went up to seokjins table

"Hey," I said while taking a seat on the empty chair
" hi you here," he said
I noticed that there was a grey little ball sitting in his lap. It was so tiny! It had a little grumpy face to

"Out of all the places, you chose a cat cafe," I said

"Of course, wait you don't like it?"

"Oh no, I do love cats!"

"Oh good!"

"Yeah I just said that because no one invites people hear for business so"

"I get it. But something about this atmosphere is calming" he said while looking down at the cat

"Yeah that's true"

"Ok let's get to business"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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