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January 25th continued..

The cool air brushed against my cheeks as I faced the ground.

"Harold, put me down!" I laughed loudly, my face hurt from smiling so much.

Currently Harry had me slung over his shoulder as he ran around in circles, my body bumping up and down against his. I could feel the blood rushing to my head as I watched the world swirl around me.

"Nope" Harry would laugh in return, continuing to do it. It's gotten to the point where I honesty believed I was about to puke. If he doesn't stop soon he is going to have my vomit on his sweater.

"Harry, baby, I think i'm gonna hurl if you don't stop!" I couldn't help but laugh loudly as he continued. I felt him slow down though and eventually come to a stop. Knew it. Harry hates vomit. He placed me back on the ground, his hands finding my waist as he pulled my body against his.

"Sorry baby, you just sounded like you were having so much fun" He smiled softly, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead.

"Oh, trust me I was!" I smiled reassuringly "It just got the point where I swear I nearly threw up on you"

"Ew. That's disgusting Neil" Harry's face screwed up as he playfully took a step away from me. I pouted and watched as his expression changed, quickly wrapping his arms back around my waist.

"That's what I thought" I mumbled, my head rested back on his chest as it fell up and down in a steady rhythm.

"I love you, you know that right?" He asked, running a hand through my hair.

I frowned, looking up at him "of course and I love you too"

"till the end" He mumbled quietly, causing me to frown more.

"the end of what?" I asked, my voice slightly croaky.

"The end of me" He whispered, running his thumb across my cheek gently. "lets not think or talk about it, okay Ni? Lets just spend as much time as possible together and happy"

I sighed quietly, it hadn't even crossed my mind until he had mentioned. I had somewhat forgotten that my boyfriend would die soon.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, I rolled my eyes playfully "Never mind, you're always wanting food"

I laughed lightly, taking his hand in mine as he lead us over to the beautiful picnic rug and all of the food Harry and his mum had made for us to share. Their were sandwhiches, fruit, chocolate, chocolate covered strawberries...oh god did I want to moan just at the thought of all the food. Yes, it is normal to feel this way about food and yes your opinion is invalid.

"You right there baby?" Harry asked, taking my attention away from the food.

"Yeah, just wanting to orgasm over the food" I smirked. His beautiful laugh filled my ears as he threw a grape at me, luckily I caught it in my mouth.

"Dork" He mumbled, his smile never leaving his face.

I gasped, holding a hand to my heart as I proceeded to act 'hurt' by his words.

"Oh Horan, I know you're only joking" He chuckled quietly, leaning over to kiss my cheek anyway. I smiled brightly, gosh this boy was like a secret god. I watched as he lay back on the picnic rug, patting his chest as he tried his best to indicate for me to lay down...I guess it worked though because before I knew it I was curled up beside him, tapping my fingers gently on his heated chest.

I couldn't help but admire him. The way his dark curls that hung loose from the bun would occasionally fall in front of his eyes and he would push them back or the way his lips would twitch upwards into a smile every time I squeezed him that little bit tighter. He was the most beautiful human being I had ever seen in my life and honestly if it wasn't for Facebook I would never have ended up in this situation right now, so I guess social media can be good sometimes.

"Thinking about much?" Harry asked, running his slender fingers through my hair.

I shrugged, "not really, just how beautiful you are"

"Why thank you" He smirked as he 'pretended' to flick his hair.

"Oh hush you" I chuckled, but was quickly cut off by the sound of thunder cracking his the distance as the once blue sky suddenly turned a dark grey. "I think it's going to rain" I noted as Harry nodded in agreement.

"Maybe we should get out of here?" He spoke as he stood to his feet, holding his hand out for me. I took it, standing to my feet with his help.

"Maybe we shou-" Another loud roar cut me off and before I could even think of opening my mouth to speak again the rain began to fall. "Oh goodness! Harry we should get out of here!" I yelled over the rain, tugging on his hand yet he wouldn't budge from his spot.

"Harry!" I yelled again and this time he smirked at me.

"Dance with me." His eyes were a dark green but the brightest smile was plastered on his face.

"Dance with you? Harry are you crazy! It's pouring down!" I frowned causing him to laugh.

"I'm not crazy! Just in love" He winked, pulling me close to him. "Now dance with me, please?" I thought about for a moment, I knew I would end up sick from 'dancing' in the rain but I couldn't say no to him, even if I tried. So here I stood chest to chest with Harry as we danced in the rain. You could probably compare this to a romance movie, well, until of course Harry slipped and fell on his bum resulting in us ending up at the Hospital once again.

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