Chapter 1

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Robins POV

BEEP BEEP BEEEP BEEEEEEP  I hit my alarm clock and open my eyes and the sun hits where i'm laying "ughh" I sit up and look at the floor. I rub my eyes and stand up to get ready for school I grab a random shirt and a random pair of jeans I change into the outfit. "holy shit I look like shit." I say "ROBIN ARELLANO PARE EL LENGUAJE" I hear my mom yell "Sorry mama!!" I yell back. I grab my bandana and rush out the house "BYE MAMA!!" I yell to her  but she didn't respond. I see Finn and Gwen "Hey guys!!" I yell to get their attention "Oh hey robin." Finn says.. I really gotta say Finn looked really.. uhm pretty today. "Hey robin!!" Gwen says "Hey Finn?" "Yeah robin??" "You.. never mind!" I fucking blew it. he probably doesn't even like me back anyway "uhm alright.." Finn says back to me. honestly I absolutely love him. I love his eyes, his hair, the way he cares about me and his sister, his soft calming voice... I can't love him though. Hes just to perfect. Why would someone like him even want to be with someone like me?! i mean look at me a self center peace of shit!! "Robin??? HELLOOOOO???" I hear gwen say  "Oh shit sorry.. did i say anything out loud??" "No, but finn was asking you something" "Oh yeah Finn what were you saying??" "Nothing it doesnt matter" Finn says in a harsh voice "whats his problem..?" I whisper to Gwen "idk maybe talk to him later??" she whispers back. I nod and walk with Gwen it was kinda awkward because me and Gwen aren't rlly friends but we r cool ig. 

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