Chapter 5

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Finns POV

It's been almost a week? Or maybe more. I've lost count days ago, I miss my friends, gwen, and donna. I wanna go home. Why won't he take me home. I don't wanna be here.

Robins POV

It's been 3 weeks sense Finns been gone. I made new friends, their names are Bruce and Vance. They don't think Finn is alive.. I don't believe them I know he's alive out there somewhere "hey Robin and Bruce wanna come over today" "Sure vance!" Bruce says "can't." "Why robin" "I'm still looking for Finney." "You still think he's alive..? Look Robin he's been gone for 3 weeks almost everyone is giving up ho-" "Vance, Please stop. Remember that's my friend. I will do anything in my life just to see him again. Or at least to talk to him one last time." I say "the last thing I said to him was something I'll always remember. " I say "Robin.. we get it your sad you lost your best friend but please.. he's gone.." Bruce says "I know he's not gone. There's something in me that makes me feel like he's still alive somewhere."

The grabbers POV

Anything to see that kid again..? Hmm that seems like he's desperate to find his fr- SHIT they're looking at me "uh you need something?" I hear the blonde one say "oh uh no but I heard you were talking about that missing boy finney?" "Yeah you know something about him." Robin was his name I think. "I know that he's missing and that he's a big deal rn." I say "uhm mhm" the short black haired boy said.

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