You are mine

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???: Hello my little dear.

A big black snake was in front of me while whispering in a scratchy voice. I looked around for Winter but she was nowhere to be seen. All of our surroundings were pitch black. It was only me and Black Mamba there.

Jahoon: Who are you? What do you want? Don't come near me.

???: Don't you know me? I'm your real family. Black Mamba. You are one of us.

Jahoon: I'm not one of yours and I will never be!

Black Mamba: Yes you are my dear. No matter how much you deny it. Why do you think I have been searching for you and trying to take you away from them?

Jahoon: Because you are trying to use me in your evil plan. There is nothing that we have in common, so why would you even think that I'm one of yours?

Black Mamba: You sure? You don't really see the resemblance between the two of us? We both hunger for power and attention.

Jahoon: See? You are already wrong, that doesn't sound like me at all.

Black Mamba: That is what you think but you know deep down that it is how you really feel. That is why you chose that lawyer job of yours, didn't you?

Jahoon: How did you... did you follow me to my world?!

Black Mamba: I am wherever my true heir is. Don't worry, you will see soon that you really are my heir and those people you call for family here will begin to shun you out when you know the truth.

Jahoon: I'm not your heir! I will never be one of yours! I will never be one of yours!

Winter: Jahoon! Wake up! Wake up.

I jolted up in my bed and sat there completely distressed. I was breathing heavily and my whole body was covered in sweat even though I was feeling cold. I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump a bit but relaxed when I noticed that it was Winter.

Winter: Are you alright? It looked like you had a really bad nightmare or some sort.

I rubbed my forehead with my hand as I still tried to figure out what the hell even happened.

Jahoon: Well... I think so? I'm not really sure if it was a nightmare or... all of it kind of felt like it was real. Like...

Winter: Who did you dream about? Some people and when I mean some people I mean very few people, have the ability to enter someone's dream and make everything real even if it is not. But if the wrong person has the ability then it's better to be too careful than not to be. Now tell me was it that you dreamt about?

I stared at Winter's face for a few moments, wondering if I should be telling her or not. I knew that if I didn't tell her then she would press on until she got an answer to her question. I pressed my lips together. A small white lie didn't hurt anybody, did it?

Jahoon: It was just about a big black snake.

Winter: Big black snake?

Jahoon: Yeah! It was like it was trying to warn me off or something.

Winter: You dreamt about Black Mamba didn't you?

Winter looked at me with a blank but stern face, like she was indirectly telling me to tell the truth. This was the first time that I have ever seen that expression. I gulped out of fear, wondering what would happen if I didn't tell her.

Winter: Jahoon?

Jahoon: Alright alright... you are right... It was Black Mamba who appeared in my dream.

In an alternative worldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang