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Third person view:

Yeji glared at Lia as soon as their eyes met. Lia rolled her eyes at Yeji and she did the same, both were in a heated fight this morning.. And right now, they aren't in good terms.

“Look, if you both are gonna start it again i swear.. I'm gonna file a noise complaint to pd-nim. You both are so childish!”

Chaeryeong nagged.

“Childish? Talk about her! She's the one that's being childish!”

Lia almost yelled.

“Oh? Me? Childish now? You're the one who's childish since you can't accept the fact that she's mine!”

Yeji yelled.

“Oh yeah? I'm her roommate! Maybe you're just trying to convince yourself that she actually wants to be yours.”

Lia yelled back.

“Knock it off you both! Seriously? I thought both of you would already make up with each other! This fight has been going on since morning, can't you give that poor girl a break?”

Chaeryeong started to raise her voice a little.

“Chaeryeong, can you get out of this? This is none of your concern!”

Said Lia.

“Ugh.. Whatever! Do what you want but I'm telling you, i will kick both of you out of this dorm if you don't shut up in ten minutes. Don't think i won't do it!”

Chaeryeong yelled and stormed off.

“Can't you just give up already? It's clear that she likes me more than you, you're just embarrassing yourself at this point!”

Said Lia.

“Give up? You think I'd let you win that easily? No way!”

Said Yeji.

“Yeji, you're just making things harder! It's already clear that she likes me more!”

Said Lia.

“It's quite the opposite if you tell me. I know her better than you do! So it's clear that she would like me better because i know what she likes and i can match her energy unlike you!”

Yeji yelled.

“We both know that's not true, i know her better! She was mine from the beginning and she will be till the end!”

Lia was already shouting at this point.

“Oh please! That's the most stupidest thing that has ever came out fo your mouth. I'm the oldest in this group and she would look up to me more, you're just a second choice probably.”

Said Yeji.

“Excuse me?!”

Lia yelled.

“Did i stutter?!”

Yeji fired back.

“I know you didn't just said that!”

Lia yelled.

“I said, did i stutter?!”

Lia was about to answer but Yuna suddenly came in the kitchen after waking up from a nap, she wanted to get a snack. But she suddenly freezed when she saw her unnie's standing close to each other to the point where they're faces were almost touching.

Let's say.. On Yuna's perspective.. It was something else.

“Oh.. Am i interrupting something?”

Yuna asked.

“What— What do you mea-”

Yeji didn't finish her sentence when she realized how close she and Lia were. She pushed her away and saw Yuna snickering.

“It's not what you think it is!”

Said Lia.

Yuna couldn't hold her laughter so she just chuckled not knowing that Chaeryeong was behind her.

“Oh? I thought you guys were fighting earlier. What happened?”

Chaeryeong asked with a hint of irritation and sarcasm.

“What's the problem? Why were they fighting?”

Yuna asked.

“You're the problem.”

Chaeryeong scoffed.

“Me?! What did i do?”

Yuna almost yelled.

“Well mostly it's their problem but you're included.”

Said Chaeryeong while Yuna just looked at all of them confused.

“Are you guys fighting about me?”

Yuna was starting to pick up the pieces.

“Yes, they're fighting about you. They want to know who's your favourite unnie, they made it a big deal. They were fighting about this since morning.”

Chaeryeong said.

“Ah.. Now that explains why both of you were suddenly being too nice to me. Buying me gifts and all..”

Yeji and Lia nodded shyly.

“To be honest, i really love all of you equally.. Probably the best unnie's i could ever ask for!”

The three of them smiled at Yuna, feeling touched by her words.

“But Ryujin is my favourite, sorry.”

She said and left the kitchen while sipping on the juice box she took put from the fridge.


Ryujin suddenly appeared behind Chaeryeong while sticking her tongue out at the three who were glaring at her.

Lmao 😭😭

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