ch. 2

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bruce woke up thinking of his goal,
walk vance to class

bruce waited at the school entrance anxiously, he was waiting for robin and finney—that was a lie, he was waiting for vance. vance was all bruce thought about yesterday, vance wasnt all but he took most space in his thoughts. his other thoughts were of the good luck he had received yesterday, he befriended vance extremely quickly, he had done great at his baseball game, his mom cooked his favorite dinner, he didnt get any homework, and his parents let him fall asleep late. that might not seem like much but to bruce, it was a lot.

"hey bruce!" a voice pulled him out of his trance, it was finney but today he wasnt the with robin.

"hey finn! youre walking alone today?" bruce asks.

"i was walking with gwen and robin but then they left me when the saw vance, they were talking about fighting or something and robin just told me to go to school." finney explained.

"where are they now?" neither finney nor bruce liked violence, it was always their responsibility to stop gwen, robin, and vance now. he was bruce's friend so he should keep him out of trouble.

"i'll show where i saw them go." finney leads the to a park, its right next to their school so it didnt take long to get there. when they arrived they noticed a circle surrounding a group of three. it looked like robin, vance and another kid, he's a tall brunette but he looks extremely scrawny. all of a sudden robin swings, knocking the brunette down. bruce and vance push towards gwen and vance.

"what the hell is happening?" finney asks gwen.

"you dont wanna know." vance answers for her, intensely watching robin beat the brunette until he's covered in blood. finney is staring at robin with a worried look, gwen looks proud, and bruce is wide eye.

"you ok?" vance asks bruce.

"oh yea, looking at blood just makes me sick." bruce says awkwardly.

"then stop looking." he leads bruce away from the crowd after telling finney where he'll be. vance leads bruce back to the school and into a bathroom. "if you need to throw up or anything just tell me. i'll give you a minute to feel better."

vance begins to leave before bruce stops him, "wait..."


"can you stay? i hate being alone..."

"oh, sure." vance sits on the sink next to where bruce is standing. there's a bit of an awkward silence between the two but neither decide to break it. they might as well suffocate from the heavy air surrounding them. vance fidgets his hands before speaking.

"are you feeling better?" he asks.

"yea, i am. should we head to class?"

"sure lets go."

they walk in silence to vance's class, theyre about a minute early. which is unusual for vance but no one really cares.

"i'll meet you here to walk you to your next class." bruce says.

"ok, cool." and with that they head to their classes.

did bruce complete his goal?

517 words.

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