The Walk Home

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     You had just finished your last class of the week. "Finally it's the weekend! High school exhausts you real quick, doesn't it?" F/N (Friend) exclaimed. You nodded. "Yup. Sure does." You and F/N were doing the usual routine - taking the long way home. You would do that so you would be able to spend more time with them. You barely get to see F/N anymore because you to don't have the same classes together. Plus, your ex (male), contacting you everyway he can to attempt get back with you.

     You walked and talked until you reached F/Ns place. "Bye F/N." You said. "Bye Y/N." F/N replied. They started towards their doorsteps but quickly turned around. "Oh, by the way. Are you going to C/Ns (Classmate) party tonight?" 'Party? I didn't know there was a party.' You thought. "Uh. Yeah. I'll be there. When is it again?" You asked. "It starts around 10 p.m." F/N answered. You thanked them and headed home.

     As you were on your way home, you acknowledged some Loggers (Tree Cutters to make it simple) cutting down a section of the forest. You stopped and watched them work for a few minutes. As you were about to continue home, you spotted a house midway behind the part where they were working. You squinted your eyes to see better and faintly saw a figure in one of the windows. You stared at it for a couple seconds and decided to wave at it for some reason. It just stood there. 'It must be a mannequin.' You thought.

     You turned on your heel and started humming to F/S (Favorite Song). You got home shortly and started getting dressed for the party.

     Though little you knew of that moment...

     It had waved back.

Michael Myers × Female Y/N Reader (Ongoing) Where stories live. Discover now