"write about three random things"

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Today's challenge: write about three random things, knitting them together into one story snippet. This challenge will not only test your ability to write narration and dialogue, but your creativity as well.

Some random things to choose from if you're considering doing this exercise (Pinterest should provide efficiently if these do not suit your taste):

-a crackling fireplace

-the sound of rain pattering against frozen glass

-hot pink converse splattered with blood

-Suffocation by magical curling vines

-a golden wool sweater torn apart by rats

-an envelope holding a secret the protagonist does not want to know

-The prom queen sobbing on the bathroom floor

-a ripped notebook page with equations covering every square inch

-a psychotic woman baking cookies

-a plague doctor who dies from the sickness they were supposed to cure

-poisoned hot chocolate

-a ghost that is more lively than anyone else the protagonist has ever met

-a dusty notebook that is centuries old with a list of all the crushes a teenage girl has had

-a queen falling in love with her personal guard

-breathless kisses between two lovers

-a forgotten piece of black ribbon

Now that we have that out of the way, it's my turn!

My items are a meadow soaked in blood, a scared deer, and twinkling brown eyes.


The Meadow That Should've Been Green

If Lilac were granted one wish before her life got taken away, she would've wished for the meadow to be green.

When it was dotted with sunny little daisies and small children playing in the warmth of the sunshine. Things were better back then. Now all she had was a meadow stained with blood and ash.

In a sunny forest dotted with pine trees that had disappeared from the surface of the earth long ago, soft lips kissed Lilac's cheek and her heart fluttered with joy. August smiled her perfect, slightly yellow yet charming grin and held Lilac's hand like a glass vase.

"You're in a good mood today," August remarked in a teasing tone. "You took the stick out of your ass for once today, hmm?"

"Not a chance, love," Lilac laughed. "And I never had a stick up my ass. I just know what I'm getting up for each day."

"Same thing, I think," August dismissed with a wave of her hand. The sunlight caught the sparkles in her eyes, making her irises look like molten chocolate lava. Her eyes widened as they strayed to a crevice between two pines. "Look."

A nervous deer pranced around a sunlit clearing in the woods. It raised its head to the sun like it was worshipping the burning ball of light, basking in its warmth. Its brown hair shimmered gold. It was so majestic Lilac's heart throbbed for it, for the deer would not live much longer.

"Dinner," Lilac declared like there was no other possible option, picking an arrow from the quiver on her back with her right hand. She flexed her left hand that was holding her favorite bow.

August's confident demeanor disappeared as she looked at the peaceful animal. "You go ahead. I'm just...just gonna go back to the medicine quarters." She managed a fake grin and turned away to run back to camp.

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