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This time, I'm the one to wake Emma. And I sure make it fun.

"Wake up" I say, throwing a pillow in her face. She stirs in bed before I throw another in her face. "Bullseye!" I call, towering over her.

"Oh my god Bryla. Seriously why", she murmurs. A moment later, she's sitting up, rubbing her face. Before waking Emma, I lied in bed for a while, running over everything that happened yesterday. Let's just say I would like to leave everything in the past.

"Ouch my neck hurts", she says, standing up. I'm surprised to see her in pjs. When did she change last night?

"Come on, let's eat something and you'll feel much better", I state. We walk to the kitchen, pulling out options to eat for breakfast.

"I'm so annoyed I have class this morning. I just want to sleep in".

"I know, but at least you get the afternoon off".

"I'll probably just end up studying", she moans and grabs some cornflakes. I pass her the milk.

"Hey how did you find last night?", she asks, shoving a spoonful of cornflakes in her mouth.

"Fine, how about you?"

"I met some people, but god I wish I could have seen Chris", she exclaims.

"It's okay Em. I think meeting him somewhere else than the bonfires better." She nods her head in agreement and continues eating. Shortly after, Emma leaves for her class, leaving me alone. I want to ditch class later this morning because I know who'll be there and I'm not keen on seeing his face. Refocusing my mind, I take a hot shower, washing my hair and body until I feel the sticky, sandy feeling leave my skin. I wear my denim skirt and oversized hoodie, plating my hair to finish the look. I want to put myself out there more so I decide I should explore the campus this morning. I pack my bag and walk out of the dorm. 

Today is thankfully warmer with the sun casting down its rays over the campus. I walk through the grassy area to the buildings block, also known as B block (I learnt that from the sign I just walked by). Attention grabs me when I see another unfamiliar building on my left, with glass doors, stretching into walls. My direction turns as my feet guide me to building. As I come closer, I read big letters above the door, spelling library. Wow okay. I enter, scanning over the multiple shelves of books in the middle of large room. Small booths with tables and chairs are placed around the perimeter, occupied by many already studying. My eyes trail the stairs leading to a higher level as well as the other set of doors leading outside to a veranda. I walk towards the doors, stepping out to the place neatly set up under some shade. Tables and chairs are placed around the veranda, with benches stretching down the side. I already know I love this place. Its refreshing. 

Before I think, I walk down to an empty table and sit down, dropping my bag next to my feet. I glance around again, loving how I get to study outside with the breeze and nature surrounding me. After a few moments, I grab my English book out and pull up the power point Dr Miller emailed us yesterday. I begin taking more notes down neatly, highlighting the most important things before sliding to the next slide. 20 minutes pass and I sure do feel productive until my ears pick up voices coming near me.

"Gosh there such idiots, I mean they always take it way to far".

"I know but give them a break. Not all of them are reckless". Someone laughs.

"Yeh sure, I know exactly who you mean".

"Shut up", one of the girls says, irritation filling her voice. I slowly look up to the girls sitting on the bench, not too far away from me. I recognise that blonde hair and face. Its Jess. But right now she looks far away from the spirited girl she was last night. I keep my head down while my ears continue to overhear their conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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