Chapter 57

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The piercing screams in the arena help keep me awake when the show starts.

"You ok?" Jessi yells over the crowd. "You should really get some sleep. It's ok if you miss one show, you know?"

I vigorously shake my head, trying to wake myself up. "I'm ok." I try to flash her a convincing smile.

She just rolls her eyes. "You're so stubborn."

I momentarily close my eyes until the song ends and more screams fill the air. When I open my eyes I spot a pair of blue ones staring back at me with concern. I send Lisa a convincing smile, letting her know that I'm ok. She frowns and walks over to the side of the stage to whisper something into Don's ear before starting up the next song.

Within a minute, Don is standing in front of me with a stern expression on his face. "Let's go." he demands.


"Lisa told me you need to go back to the dressing room and sleep, and I'm not to take no for an answer."

"That little..." I cut myself off and sigh. "Alright." I agree because I know if I don't, I'll only be a distraction to Lisa for the rest of the show.

Walking to the backstage area, I lock eyes with Lisa and she flashes me a thankful smile to which I only stick my tongue out at her. She playfully sticks her tongue out back at me and the girls in front of me lose their minds thinking that she's communicating with them and we both can't help but laugh.

Walking into the dressing room, I immediately flop down on the couch and fall asleep within seconds. It feels like I've only been asleep for a few a few minutes before I hear a familiar voice calling my name.

"Jen." Lisa whispers, rubbing the pad of her thumb over my cheek.

"Hmm." I hum out, managing to open my eyes. "Is the show over?"

"Yeah." she chuckles. "It's been over for about an hour. I've already showered and packed everything up and took it to the bus."

"Lisa." I whine, feeling bad that she did my job for me.

"Jennie." she whines in a mocking manner, a teasing smirk on her face. "Come on, let's go to the bus." she says, and before I can even get up she's bending down and scooping me up in her arms.

"Lisa, put me down!" I groggily mumble, still not fully coherent.


With a huff, I give in and let her carry me, even slowly drifting back to sleep on the walk to the bus. Stepping onto the bus, Lisa immediately tucks me into my bunk and lingers around to soothingly run her fingers through my hair to lull me to sleep.

Right as I'm about to fall asleep, I hear Jessi whispering to Lisa. "You really love her, huh?"

"Yeah." Lisa says fondly. "Yeah, I do." I hear the smile in her voice and it makes my stomach flutter. "Night, Jen." she kisses my forehead before drawing my bunk curtain closed and going to her own bunk.

When I wake up again, it's in the very early hours of the morning before the sun is even up, so I decide to turn on the small flip down TV in my bunk to try to drift back off to sleep. Flipping through the channels, I land on a late night channel playing my favourite TV show, and it just so happens to be my favourite episode: Phoebe's wedding.

Smiling, I lay back in my small bunk and try to force myself to stay awake to enjoy Friends. I can't help but let out a small laugh when Phoebe hysterically yells at Monica for running her wedding and not letting her fiancée go to the bathroom anytime that he wants. A few moments after my laughter, I hear someone's bunk curtain draw back, and I instantly feel bad for waking someone up.

"What's so funny?" Lisa asks, peeking her head into my bunk and looking at the screen.

"No!" I whisper shout, covering her eyes and pushing her out of my bunk. "You're not this far in the series yet!"

She lets out an annoyed huff and removes my hand from her face. "I don't care, scoot over."

"What?" Instead of answering my question she jumps up into my bunk. "Lisa!" I squeal out in surprise, and my face flushes when she hovers above me in the small space and covers my mouth with her hand.

"Shh..." she warns since everyone else is asleep. "Now, scoot over." she says and I comply, letting her wedge herself between my body and the wall. "Why are you up?" she asks, shuffling around in my bunk to get comfortable. She eventually lays down on her back and pulls me in to lay on her chest.

"This is my favourite episode. It's the one where Phoebe gets married."

She hums in acknowledgement and we stay silent for a while, watching the episode play out.

"It's so beautiful." I say in awe, admiring the snow covered streets and decorations as Phoebe's wedding starts.

"I hope my wedding turns out just like that."

"Yeah?" Lisa asks.

"Mhm." I instinctively hug Lisa tighter as Phoebe and Mike say their vows, willing myself not to tear up. "I want a beautiful winter wedding with snow covering the ground. Nothing to where it shuts down the streets, but just enough to give it some ambiance. I don't want anything too big or too small, and it doesn't even have to be perfect. All I want is a nice little church packed with the people I love."

"That does sound perfect. You'll get your dream wedding someday." she says, brushing some hair out of my face.

"I hope so." I say through a yawn, snuggling closer to her chest. I know I should make her get up and go back to her own bunk, but I'm too comfortable and too tired to fight her on it.

"You will, Jen. You will."

THE HAPPIEST GIRL | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now