Unexpected Meeting

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Vani often steals glances from Mathi who is reading the book interestingly. She wanted to ask her about something but hesitates to bring the topic out to her.

"Vani, want to say something?" Mathi asked her without even taking her eyes out from the book but with a smile on her lips.

"Uhhh...yeah, but I'm sure you won't like this topic but I really wanted to ask you this," she said in a low voice.

Mathi looked up at Vani who is already staring at her, "What do you want to ask?"

Vani breathe out looking at her, "Did you tell Ridu about her father?"

Mathi gives her a stern look and said, "She doesn't need to know about a cheater"

Vani looked at her shockingly and said, "Ridu has the right to know who is her father"

Mathi kept quiet and got sad listening to her and Vani continued, "It's better you tell her before she herself finds out about him"

"What do you want me to tell her? You want me to tell her that, how I met him? How did we fall in love with each other? How I lost myself in his words and believed him blindly? And how he cheated and left me all alone when I was pregnant?" she said in one go and looked at Vani angrily.

"I can understand your pain Mathi, but..." Vani tried to convince her but Mathi stopped her with an angry look and said, "You can't understand what I have gone through in my life Vani. Saying is easy than experiencing the pain. I know when to inform Ridu about her father. I request you not to take this topic again" she paused and continued, ", especially in front of Ridu" and left to her home leaving Vani stunned.

Next day @ GV College of Engineering,

Ridu is so excited for their first day in college. She gets nervous thinking about the ragging from the seniors. Vani looked at her with a smile sensing her nervousness. She came to her and hold her chin to make her look at him and said, "Nothing to worry about. You have me here to shield you, so be happy and enjoy your first day"

Ridu nodded her head happily and is about to walk out of her room but Vani stopped her and said, "There will not be any problem until you meet one person in this college"

Ridu looked confused and asked, "And who is that one person?"

Vani, "Gautham"

Ridu smirked at her and said, "There will not be any problem until he meets me, better pray for him" she winked and left for her class leaving the surprised Vani behind.

Ridu is keep searching for her classroom but couldn't find it and when she was supposed to ask a person who is running toward her.

She stopped mid-way after noticing that he is running for his life, running away from someone who is chasing him. He knocked her down on the floor while running fastly away from the one who is behind him.

She gets scratched in his hand and screams in pain, she looked at the feet of the people who are running fastly crossing her but no one came for help.

She is about to get up on her own cursing her fate for ruining her first day but stopped seeing a hand coming towards her for her help.

She looked up at the person who is looking at her with a gentle smile on his face and he signs her to hold his hand for support to stand on her feet.

She gets mesmerized seeing the person who is smiling at her, she gets shy to hold his hand but he pushed it towards her and holds her in his, and pulled up to make her stand straight on her feet.

She hastily removed her hand from his and try to hide her blush from his view.

"Are you okay?" she looked at him with a smile forgetting her surroundings and didn't even reply to his question.

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