1 - the meeting

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james was sitting behind his computer, endlessly scrolling trough social media. he was a normal man, just like everyone else. yet he didnt feel like he was normal.

whenever he would go outside he saw happy couples, laughing and giggling at each others jokes. holding hands, kissing, buying stuff for their child..

that is what james wanted most.

he had tried dating apps before: tinder even grindr, but no. everyone rejected him. he matched with no one. and that wasnt even the worst part... people would call him horrible names.

"pussio" "bald" "weird" "aria's cousin"

he had no idea what to do anymore, what is even the point of living if no one wants you? james' head filled with depressing toughts, he didnt want to die but living didnt seem fun either.. he decided to get a drink to stop the toughts from happening

james went to his local bar and ordered 2 beers. he was thinking about "true love" and "soulmates" while chugging down his beers.

and then, it happened. he saw "her" the girl of his dreams. they locked eyes from a distance and both fell in love..

the girl smiled at him. he walked towards her.

"whats your name?"
"my name is mommy pig, and you are?"
"james. james marriott"

they proceeded to have a conversation about their lives and their favorite things. "time flies by when you're having fun" and it did; it was 1am. they quickly exchanged numbers and went home.

James Marriott X Mommy PigWhere stories live. Discover now