2 - chatting

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james woke up this morning feeling happier than usual. its because he met this girl obviously. last night felt great: she was very enthusiastic and was good at telling stories. they both had the same interests like, reading, dancing and more!

james scrolled trough his phone, remembering that he had saved her number. he looked at her profile picture. "wow she's absolutely beautiful." he wished he had the guts to text her but he knows he doesn't. "this will be my only chance so can't mess this up!" its was 10am. "she's definitely awake by now, so i hope she will text me soon!"

half an hour passed by and he still hadn't received a text from her. he was scared. "what if she was drunk and didn't actually like me?! or what is she cant remember anything? could she have died?!" but to be fair he was drunk aswell so he might have imagined it.

but no. it was all real! she actually send him a message!

*pigwoman:* hi!! this is james right?
*JimboM:* yeah, hi!
*pigwoman:* im so happy u didnt forget about me! how have you been?

*etc. etc. they continued chatting*

*pigwoman:* im so sorry james, but i have to go!
*JimboM:* alright! see you later? :)
*pigwoman:* yeah! cya!

*pigwoman logged off*
*JimboM logged off*

james put his phone down. "wow she's so nice! i think im in love with her.." he lays down on his couch, fantasizing about how their kids would look like. he has never met a woman like this. so pretty, nice, smart and oh so sexy.

he slowly falls asleep while dreaming about mommy pig. wow. mommy pig, such a beautiful name! mommy pig marriott. sounds good.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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