Chapter 2

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3 AM.

Still no sign of Zayn showing up.

I wish he could be more responsible about things. Hell I'm 100% sure that he's forgot that I even called him!
What could possibly take him this long to arrive?!!!
Well I hope it won't be more than this at least.

I start to walk in the dark street to where I guess I came from. My legs are killing me and my eyelids are getting closed.
Right now, all I really want is my bed. Or at least a comfy place to put my damn body down!

As I'm thinking about my bed and ways to kill Zayn and my uncle and Brian for things that they did to me tonight, I see a car stops in its track just 5 meters ahead of me and a short guy steps out of if.

"Kate I can't do it anymore it's killing me!!!" He shouts and moves in weird ways.

Is he crazy or something?!!!

"Louis please...just 15 minutes and we'll be home" a girl with a little black dress and extremely high heels gets out of the car.

"Kate there's no one here please just stay in the car and let me do my job" he says with such confidence and motions for the girl to get in the car.

And then he turns around just to face me.

Well I almost saw the blood drained out of his face and he looks at me like I'm a phantom.

"Well sorry to disappoint you my love but there IS someone here." Kate says while smirking at the boy.

"DAMN where the hell did you come out of nowhere?!!!"

Excuse me?! Did he just ask me that?!
Wasn't it me who was here first?!!!

"Hey I was already here when you arrived so just shut up and do whatever you wanted to do I don't care."

I say and start to walk again and pass them.
But that's when I got that I'm SO stupid.

I'm lost and its late and there's still no sign of Zayn and they've got a car and a mobile..

"Louis get in the car I'm saying this for the last time."
Kate threats but louis is still moving and like jumping up and down and he's eyes are shut like he's is pain?

"KATE I CANT ANYMORE IM GONNA DO IT" and then he runs towards the bushes like a mad man.

"Goddddd sometimes I hate him.he's such a child" Kate says.

"Hey is something wrong with you guys?" I turn around and walk towards her.

"I thought you left."

"Well I was leaving but then I thought you may need help since you were yelling at each other."

"I don't think my boyfriend wanting to pee and me telling him to wait till we get home would be any of your concerns?" She snaps at me.

So that's why he was moving like that.

"Erm well I didn't have any idea that you were arguing over your boyfriends feces."
I snap back and she narrows her eyes at me.

"Hey what's up there?!" Louis comes back while buckling his belt. And I see how much he's happy and relaxed now.

"Nothing love lets go home."
Kate says and opens the cars door.

"Eager I see." he winks and walks to the drivers seat.

"HEY HEY HEY WAIT WAIT." I run towards him.

"What? Is something wrong with you?" Louis asks me.

"Aw could you let me use your mobile? Just one call."

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