Chapter 8 (part 1)

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I woke up to warmth, I looked at my left and saw Sehun sleeping, facing me and his left arm around my waist. I then remembered what happened...the blood reminds me of my past...everytime I look at blood, I get scared and pass out.

*I need to call Holland* I thought since the last time we've talked, he told me that he found himself a boyfriend.

'Babe, how are you' my sleepy lover says as he sat up and laid his head on my shoulder. I giggled softly and ran my hand over his soft hair. He sighs in content and lean his head into my hand.

"I'm sorry for not helping you guys, it just...that the sight of blood, makes me pass out and it reminds me of mine and Holland's past with our parents...who died in a car accident" I said as i gently remove his arms around my waist and got up to look at our balcony.

'I'm sorry to hear about that babe, but I'm here for you and let me make you happy.' Sehun says as he kissed me gently. 'Also,

Jae Seok just texted me that we need to go to the warehouse and solve a mystery. "Okay my love" I said, and we parted ways, Sehun's getting his clothes and mine too.

 "Okay my love" I said, and we parted ways, Sehun's getting his clothes and mine too

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(Sehun's clothes)

(Sehun's clothes)

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(My clothes)

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(My clothes)

I grabbed my purse which has my phone, journal and pen, mint gum and some chap stick. I sprayed on some perfume, grabbed Sehun's hand and left our room. We go to my car and get in, i turned it on and left to the warehouse. Sehun connected my phone to the Bluetooth radio and pressed my brother's number.

"Hello?" 'Hey Holland, how are you doing today?' I asked him as we drove to the secret warehouse. "Oh Y/N! I've been good, just taking a break from music and relaxing with my boyfriend. How about you?" Holland asked me. 'I've been good, just taking a drive with Sehun.' I told him as we talked for a while and saw that we were at the warehouse. 'I have to go now Holland, but I'll talk to you later. "Sure sis, bye!" Holland says as he hung up.

Me and Sehun gets out of the car and hold my hand, we made inside the building and went down the secret path that led us to our hideout.

Jae-seok and the others were already there, so me and Sehun sat down on the couch and looked at the projector where K was talking to us.

(Skip to the meeting over)

Me and everyone else went to our cars and drove to the locations that K gave us. You can say this journey will be interesting...

To Be Continued

Hello there!!!! This will be in 2 parts, I know this is short but I'm so sorry for keeping you guys waiting for the long wait.

I will updates this book on Wednesdays and Saturdays, I know that you all was waiting for a long time.

I would like to apologize for keeping you guys waiting for this chapter to come out. But this book is season 1, for the season 2 and 3, I will make them separate.

So once this book is done, I will start working on the second season book. That's all and goodbye everyone!!!

Feel free to follow my socials!!! Have a good day or night💫🌷

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