part 1

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Frank was 12 when he fell in love with a girl for the first time and she was beautiful and her name was anna and he went to ask her out . She said exciting yes so he took her on a date to a fancy restaurant . The next day anna parents asked frank if he dont want to help them with work so he said yes and he work for them every day . Till oneday when anna lied to frank and said that she was at home but she was not at home but cheating on him so he got angry and said he is done with her and left her. She tried to stop him and asked if he can give her a chance but he walked away and later that he sends a message for her and said:I AM SORRY BUT WE CANT SEE EACH OTHER ANYMORE BECAUSE I CANT BELIEVE THAT YOU CHEATED ON ME? . The next day she replied:PLZ DONT LEAVE ME I AM SORRY I WAS NOT THINKING I FELL ONTO HIS TRAP PLZ FORGIVE ME? Frank saw the message but did not reply and he moved on with out anna

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