Kismet of a faux angel

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Cahil sat in the middle of the wheatfield, panting as he tried to catch his breath from the previous agonizing scream he had let out. The sun was going down and at this moment, he felt as if it symbolized his life ending, this wasn't how he wanted to spend his fourth of July. He looked back at the cabin he lived in with his lover; Alice. He adored and admired her, he could only compare her to an angel. She had lured him with her beauty and bubbly personality. And very quickly, she acquired something so hard for him to give; his trust.

But she quickly reminded him why he should never let someone into his heart. He nervously grinded his teeth together as he replayed the previous event in his head. 'Maybe it was my fault,' he thought to himself, 'I should've moved.' He quickly shook his head as he recalled himself rejecting Alice. He covered his face as his shoulders shook, he cried as trauma lurked in the back of his mind. He flashed back to her sweet smiling face that now seemed so belittling and knowing. His heart felt frozen with stupefaction. Slowly, but surely, his heart began burning, as if a fire was started. He knew he didn't deserve such a traumatic experience, but she did. He made his way to the shed hidden behind he and his ex-lover's shared home, his fist clenched and legs shaking as he heaved with retribution. He slid open the door, almost breaking it in the process, and grabbed the jug of gasoline that was placed so loudly out in the open, it seemed to be waiting for him. It was getting darker outside now, and Cahil wanted light.

He walked back to the field and started spreading the fuel hastily, he couldn't risk her looking out of the window at the wrong time. After he was done, he went back to the shed to grab a shovel. He then walked behind the shed and began digging, throwing the now empty red jug into the hole before covering it up. He then returned to the shed to retrieve sparklers. He wrinkled his nose in vexation, they were supposed to play with them together and create joyous memories. But not tonight and never again. She became a criminal worth punishing by execution as soon as she violated him.

He took a step onto the porch before his ankle twisted as he stumbled forward. He moaned loudly in pain and quickly turned over to sit down and grab his now wounded ankle. He waited for the pain to subside and become at least bearable before he picked up the sparklers and stood up again. He was limping. That's what he wanted, an excuse to not enter the fields.

"Alice!" He called out in a whining tone.

Her name felt virulent on his tongue.

The faux angel of a woman opened the door and rushed out onto the porch with a concerned look on her face, "What happened to your ankle?"

"I fell up the steps but I got the sparklers. I'm not going to be able to play with them though. I'll just sit on the porch." Cahil said as he handed her a lighter and the sparklers. "Do you see that damp spot out there?" He asked as he pointed to where he drenched the land in gasoline. "That spot is wet from me playing with the hose, it's safer for you to play with them there."

Alice rolled her eyes with a smile, "It's just sparklers but okay, I love how caring you are, babe." She said before giving him a light kiss.

He refused to return the kiss but returned a fake smile once it was over. Her lips were his poison and they made him feel ill. Even though he knew what was about to happen, he still felt the same sense of dread he felt in the house before this idea came to him. 'Murder won't fix it, but it sure as hell will make me feel better.' He thought to himself as he grimaced while looking at Alice as she walked out onto the field. She reached the spot and turned to smile at him, he smiled back and waved.

I want you to burn

It's so cruel, but so are you

I'll go on without any rue

Savor the taste of predestination

Proceed with your living death

With no relief of my passionate fornication

Do me a favor, increase my pleasure

Flail endlessly with unavailing screaming

She lit both sparklers and twirled around with delight present on her face, as he expected. Her facial expression quickly changed to terror as she was briskly engulfed in flames, but it was evident her preachment would be a much slower process. Once again, what he had expected.

I want you to burn

Undergo my heart, so you know

The melancholic agony

Discern the despondency of foreordination

Go on with your meaningless apologies

With no relief of forgiveness from me

Do me a solid, won't you satisfy me?

Admit your fault with unavailing screaming

"NO!!!" Alice screamed, the wail piercing Cahil's ears as if it was a tornado siren. Alice realized two things; She was burning, and her lover wasn't going to help her. Instead, he was going to watch as her skin melted off her face, her eyeballs bulging out of her skull. He didn't smile, he only stared through her, unphased.

Welcome your immolation

Suffer with tribulation

I'll help you mount the grim reapers' horse

I'll wave goodbye and feel no remorse

Kismet for you, my angel

It was always god's will

My faux angel, so detrimental

My faux angel, akin to the devil

Rest in Hell, rotten whore

I am burdened with you no more

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