"My Boy"

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"Watch out Miss Emilia!"

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"Watch out Miss Emilia!"

A sled ran into Emilia, knocking her into the snow and causing the contents of her purse to spill out.

"Stupid kids...", she mumbled as she got up and dusted snowflakes off her coat.

While she collected her belongings on the ground, Mikey Smith got off his sled and hurried towards Emilia, hoping he could help.

"Sorry, Miss Emilia...I didn't see you walking up", he started nervously, "Here's your pen, why does it have a tail?"

Emilia's eyes widened as she saw Mikey holding her tampon. She quickly snatched it.

"Young man, I'll have you know you shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you", grumbled Emilia.

With a quick whip of her scarf, she turned away and entered an apartment building, leaving Mikey behind.

As Emilia dusted snow off her coat, she made her way into the mail room.

When she looked up, she found a handsome man looking at her from the other side.

Emilia blushed and smiled as she retrieved her mail from the mailbox.

She was too nervous to say hello so she left, rather awkwardly.

When Emilia got to her floor of the building, she noticed a little boy hanging around in the hallway.

He wore a blue puffer jacket and a yellow beanie, with tufts of brown hair sticking out in front.

She went to the door with the number 1023 and unlocked it, glancing at the boy as she made her way inside.

They made brief eye contact before she closed the door.

A little while later, Emilia decided she needed groceries. As she was leaving her apartment, she saw the little boy again.

He was still there.

"Odd...", she thought, as she made her way down the stairs.

The little boy looked at her longingly as Emilia disappeared from sight.

If you were to stand on the opposite side of Baker Street that night, you would've seen a blonde woman with black thigh-high boots, juggling a couple brown bags full of TV dinners, garlic bread, and cupcakes.

You would've seen she was struggling and dropping F bombs, as a harsh wind blew on her. Almost as if it was trying to push her in the opposite direction.

But you wouldn't have really paid much attention to these things. No. You would've been focusing on the figure a few feet away from you as it made its way across the street, toward the woman.

"Oh shit!", Emilia exclaimed as the bottom of one of the bags tore open. The cupcakes container fell out but not before a hand caught it.

Emilia looked up and it was the handsome stranger from the mailroom.

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