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Hi, my name is Ten, what's your favorite dinner food?

My real name is ridiculously long and I refuse to get early onset arthritis by writing it so much so we'll skip that. This is the ass-quality hot pink glitter diary I bought from the dollar store on impulse.

Why was I at the dollar store? Buying dinner. For more context, I'm a fourth year college student so, yeah.

My existence depends on instant ramen and a liter bottle of Diet Coke.

Not shocking, I know. I just figured with my rapidly declining mental state, and this being a better alternative than a Twitter rant, a diary was a decent solution.

I love how it's been 20 minutes and I already have cheeto finger stains on this page, gross.

So what's been going on?

Well...this year just started. My friend Kun's birthday passed and we got fuuuucked up.

But even black out drunk I was still insanely fucking jealous of him and his boyfriend.

Fuck you Renjun and your healthy relationship. (If you're reading this for some reason I'm kidding, I adore you.)

But judging from the videos Sicheng took at that party, I'm not exactly surprised guys aren't jumping at the opportunity to wife me up.

Why am I so fucking embarrassing?

But in my entire defense nobody can play Doja Cat around me and not expect me to shake ass.

I've just never had good relationship luck. Though I am aware I'm a little batshit crazy...someone has got to be into this.

So, I'm broke, a student, unstable, noncommittal, and...apparently very messy because I cannot for the life of me keep my hands free of cheeto dust.

This is nastyyyyy.

But all of this will change this year, I will get my life together, get a boyfriend, and keep a paper towel handy at all times.

When your roommate walks in on you writing out your problems in a diary with an equally as glittery gel ink pen.

I hate myself.

But I'm hot, so how could I hate myself?

Life is so unfair and hating myself despite being incredibly sexy just proves it.

Why can't I have a hot sexy handsome gentleman nice caring hung boyfriend??

But everybody else does! That's what bothers me most. Even Hyuck, and that bitch gets on my nervessss. Love him though.

Anyways, that's my rant for today luv. As much as I'd love to be consistent with writing....that's just really not my thing. Till next time. <3

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