Chapter: Two

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Hi! As you all may know

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As you all may know. I'm Jospeh Matthew Alwyn . Mostly well known as Joe.

Joe. Hmm Sounds familiar right? Yep. I'm the Founder and CEO from one of the world's largest companies named Colours de Lavender .

              But that's not it.

I'm also well known from my
family background .

      Wanna know how?

As you can tell,

My father Richard Alwyn runs as the current 47th President of the United States. While my Mother Elizabeth Alwyn is currently ruling The British Monarchy. Sounds very surprising I know. Unfortunately I'm a Prince.

But I don't consider myself as one. My life's not any Cinderella story. I'm the media's Prince. Then again here are my so called friends who calls me the ultimate rule breaker. While the society calls me  player. They think I use woman in a snap of a finger.

But in reality? I'm just a guy who dreams to fall in love. Dreams to have a happy family. Overall, Be happy.

But that's not becoming reality anytime soon. Currently I'm just a workaholic as described by my beloved mother. Work is the only thing roaming around my mind. All. The. Time.

Sometimes I even skip meals and sleep just because of Work. But most of the time it just feels weird. What will I do with all these power? What will happen to me with this much money?? People called me many names in the past including rich kid and a spoiled brat which led on to bullying. Then? I was homeschooled.

No friends. Just a couple secret online friends. No freedom to play outside. Barely socialized. Everything personal with all the luxuries.

Now?? I have everything but it still feels like I have nothing.
Happiness is the only thing that never happened to me. Leaving my life all boring and tasteless.

I just die to have one thing.


I'm damn sure it's the only thing which can bring light into my dark life. 

Let's see if I can find The 1 .

Let's see if I can find The 1

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